Chapter 37

370 11 1

" Runnin' this game for five years

 guess that's why my feet hurt

 wonder when they bite me,

 do these bitches teeth hurt?

 Yes I am an icon

 that's me on your t-shirt.

 Thought ya knew better

 do your fuckin' research " 

 (( Nicki Minaj- No Flex Zone Remix ))

 **Yall go listen to August Alsina / Nicki Minaj - No Love**

 Annnddd, I'm thinkin' bout just stopping this story. I hardly even get 20 reads on a chapter anymore. And I rarely get comments. Plus it's almost 40 chapters of bullshit . . I am thinking bout starting another story, tho. Just with a whole new set of people. Maybe a Tyga story . . Hmm . . Anywho.. This chapter is alllll in London's P.O.V 




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 London P.O.V Saturday July 2nd 2016 9:35am

 " Throw that ass in a circle " I sang along as I twerked in the kitchen while making me a bowl of cereal. " Keep throwin' it like that and somebody gon get hurt " Beaast says as he comes behind me and grips hold to my waist. I giggle and wash off my spoon. " Morning sunshine " I said and sat at the table. " Morning " Beaast says and kisses my neck " Mm. Don't start something you can't finish boy ! " I say and stand up. He picks me up and sets me on the table. " Oh I always finish what I start " He says and kisses me. I laugh in the kiss and he slides his tongue in my mouth. I wrap my hands around the back of his neck, completely forgetting about my cereal. He groans and slides his hands up my long t-shirt. " No panties? You so nasty ! " He says and starts fingering me. I laugh and throw my head back. " Damn bae. If I woulda known you was this tight, I woulda been layin' it down on you every night. " He says and starts kissing me. I grab his chin and start grinding on his fingers. He pulls back and laughs. My eyes widen and I let out a loud moan. " Wassup? Can't take it? Uh Oh!" He says and pulls his two fingers out. I sigh and throw my head back again. He laughs and gets on his knees. I immediately get the hint and throw my legs onto his shoulder. He gets his thumb and runs it up and down " her " . I gasp and tighten my legs around his head. He starts licking and slurping. About 15 minutes later, I c_m in his mouth. " Mommy ! " I groan. Beaast laughs and gets up. " Told ya you couldn't hang with the big dogs ! " He says and starts barking like a dog. I laugh and push him. He stumbles and falls onto the couch. I hop off the table, grabbing the cereal bowl and dumping it down the dish drain. I turn on the garbage disposal and listen to it dispose. " Mommy ! " I hear again. I jog down the hallway, seeing Paris standing in her crib. " Up ! Up ! " She says and holds her arms up. I pick her up and kiss her hands. We walk to the bathroom and I brush her teeth. " Now sit on the pot pot until Mommy comes back. " I tell her and place her on her portable princess toilet and walk to the living room. " You know I gotta get yo ass back, right? " I say and point my finger at Beaast. " What ya mean ? " He says and pulls me on his lap. I smirk and look away. THIS NIGGA! " You know exactly what I mean, homie " I say and laugh. He puts his index fingers in my back dimples and pulls my face closer to his face. " Nah. Refresh my memory " He says and sticks his tongue out at me I laugh and put my tongue on top of his while grabbing his head, pulling us closer together. He picks me up and lays me on the couch and gets on top of me. " Nigga ! This my show ! " I say and laugh. " Mommy ! I pee pee " " Nah. It's her show " He says and we laugh. " Right. Hey ! Go put our suitcases in the truck. Make yourself useful. " I say and laugh. He mushes me and gets up and helps me up. I go back into the bathroom with Paris. " Good job, pooh " I say and clap my hands. I wash out her toilet and run her some bath water. 


 I just finished bathing Paris and myself. I think it's a bad habit that she can't bathe without me being in the tub with her. Someone knocks on the door. I walk and get it. " Morning sweetness " I say and smile at Kaay. " Hola " She says and walks in. I lock the door and head over to the living room. Beaast comes out our bedroom with Paris on his shoulders. " Morning sweetheart " Kaay says smiling. Beaast glares at her. She only does that to mess with him. She knows just like I know, that he absolutely hates being called " sweetheart " or " sweetness "  it freaks him out " Morning slut " He says smiles. She immediately glares at him. I burst out laughing and grab Paris off Beaast's shoulders. " Morning T.T. Kaay " Paris says and waves at Kaay. " Morning little angel " Kaay says and grabs Paris out my arms. " Where King ? " Paris asks " I left him with Ms. April " Kaay says and smiles " Oh " Paris says and nods her head. Someone knocks on the door again. Beaast looks at me and I look at Kaay. " What ? " She asks and laughs. " Yall just gon stand there and ignore the door ? Oh ! I get it. Yall thought I was gon bring King with me ? Oh nooo. He too young to go on a trip like this ! " Kaay says and waves her hand. " Kaay ? Honey ? Listen to me . " I say and stretch my hands out in front of me. She sets Paris on the couch and faces me. " What ? " She asks with worry in her eyes. I sigh. " I invited Tay " I say and look at the ground " Huh ? I'm sorry. It sounded like you said you invited Tay " She says and crosses her arms over her large breasts. I nod my head " Cause that's what I did say. I thought yall woulda gotten over this madness by now. And Paris needed someone to be with, so he's bringing Journey." The doorbell rings. Kaay goes to open it and Tay and Journey are standing there. " Excuse me " Kaay says and walks to her car. I sigh and walk after her. " Kaay " I yell " What ? " She says unlocking the door. " Just wait a second ! I'm sorry ! Okay ? I just thought -- " She waves her hand in my face. " No ! London you didn't think . You didn't think about no other feelings but your own ! You're so fuckin' selfish " She says and tries to get back in her car. " I'm being selfish ? What are you doing right now ? Huh ? " I ask and point at her car. " Leaving " She says and shrugs " Exactly " I say and nod my head " Leaving a little girl in there that loves you like you gave birth to her ! A little girl that has continued to love you, even through this little rough patch that you and her dad are going through. You're leaving that little girl. Call me selfish. But right now, the only selfish one I see is you " I say and step back. She looks in her rearview mirror and sighs. She gets out and locks her door, walking back towards the apartment. She grabs Journey and spins her around. Journey smiles and laughs. " Mommy i missed you " Journey says " I missed you too " Kaay says and kisses Journey's cheek. Beaast walks outside with Paris in his arms, locking the door. " Yall ready ? " He asks. I look at Journey and Kaay and smile. " Yeah. Lemme just put our stuff in your truck. " Tay says. Beaast hands him the keys " Fa'sho" He says. Tay walks off. We hear some trunks and doors open and close. Tay comes back. " Ready " He says and hands Beaast his keys. " Morning " Kaay says, looking at Tay . " Morning " Tay says and smile. Kaay reaches for his hand, while holding Journey in her other hand. He grabs it and they walk off towards Beaast's truck. " Aww " I say and laugh. " Mommy ! Aww ! Me next " Paris says and reaches for me and Beaast's hands. We grab both of her hands and walk to the truck. Everybody gets in. " I gotta perfect road trip song " Kaay says and hands Beaast a pink cd with no words on it. He puts it in and a familiar beat plays. He pulls off. " Making my way downtown, walking fast, places passed and I'm homebound ! " Kaay shouts. " Aw hell nah " Beaast yells . Roadtrip with the fam for fourth of July ! What better way to do it ?! 


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