Chapter 45

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  Beaast P.O.V Thursday July 7th 2016 10:38am

  " Paris come here baby " " Yes daddy? " " You having fun? " " Yes. But I have to get back to you and mommy " " What do you mean? " " I'm not really here. " " Huh? " " Daddy. I'm gone and I have to find my way back. I know you sent Uncle Tay for me, but daddy he can't do it alone. " " Well Paris, I can't help him. He has to do things on his own. I'm hurt " " I know that daddy, but I don't want him to get hurt. Please come find me " " Where are you? " " I'm where you're at " " Huh? "  " Daddy i'm in the hospital. Bad people got me and mommy. They do bad things to us. Mommy needs help. I'm hurt. " " What people? " " Bad people " " Paris. Tell me where you are " " Bye daddy " " Wait .. Wait . . Paris! PARIS! "  " Daddy wake up! You're dreaming " 

 I open my eyes and look around my hospital room. What the hell just happened? Did my daughter really just tell me what's happening to her through a dream? 

 Just out of curiosity, I press the nurse button on the remote. A older looking nurse rushes in. 

 " Yes sir? " " Uhm. Did a little girl that kinda resembles me come through here? " " I'm not sure. This is the normal part of the hospital. Nobody has been by to visit you, if that helps. " The fuck this bitch mean by " normal part of the hospital "? " Uh. Could you possibly check in the other parts of the hospital? " She looks at me and smiles. " That's not in my job description " " You finna have to find a new job if you don't start calling around to check on my daughter. " " I'll see what I can do " She says in a stern voice. That shit don't scare me. The fuck? 


 London P.O.V Thursday July 7th 2016 11:18am

 Something cold hits my face. That shit better be water. " Wake up " I open my eyes and blink a few times. I'm back in the basement all tied up, once again. Was that all a dream? " We had to get outta there. Some crazy nurse had started looking for your kid. I had to take the kid, knock you out and ditch. " The girl says. " I don't care. Where is my baby? " I ask. " Right here " She steps to the side and Paris is sitting to a little kids table eating some spaghetti. Seeing that made me smile. I don't care if I don't eat this week at all. As long as my daughter is eating, that's enough food for me. " Can I touch her? " I ask the girl. " Sure " She says. I look at her with no emotion. She laughs. " OH ! The chains " She says and hits her forehead. " Yeah. The chains " I say and smile sarcastically. She shakes her head and begins untying the chains. I patiently wait for her to finish. " All done " She says and smiles. I get up and walk towards Paris. She looks at me and just sits there. " Paris. It's okay. Come to mommy " I say and open my arms. " No. Mommy hurt me " She says and crosses her arms. Yep. It's official. My heart is shattered. " No. No. I didn't hurt you " I say and walk closer to her. " Okay " She says and uncrosses her arms. I smile. " Now gimme hug " I say and squat to her level. She runs to me and dives into my arms. I smile and hug her. I love this little girl. " Mommy love you " I say and start crying. " Mommy no cry. Happy! Happy! " She says and starts jumping around. I laugh. " Mommy! Eat Eat? " She says and hands me her bowl of spaghetti. I look in it and see nothing but leftover red sauce from the ravioli. I laugh and shake my head. " No baby. I'm good. You full? " I ask. " No No. Pay Pay eat eat " She says and rubs her stomach. 

 I look over at the girl and see her with her head cocked to the side, staring at us, smiling. Damn. For a second, it almost look like she gives a rats ass. " HEY! What the hell? This ain't no picnic! " I look around the room. My eyes finally land on my worst nightmare. The girl jumps with her hands in front of her. She starts panicking. " T--" " Shutup. " The guy says. I start to cry all over again. I smoothly move Paris behind me. The guy snatches the girl up by her arm. " What I told you? " He calmly asks. Okay. Ol' dude must be bipolar. The girl starts shaking. " Huh? " The guy says. The girl just stares off into space. Hm. Guess the bully gets bullied too. " Oh you can't talk? Cool " He says and lets her go. She just sits on the floor with her knees to her chest. The guy comes back and slaps the crap outta the girl. He starts dragging her outta the room and kicking and punching her. 

 " You come her too " He says and points at me. " No. My daughter is right here " I say and shake my head. " Where? " He asks. " Run Paris! " I say. She takes off and slides past the guy. He comes up to me and grabs my arms roughly. " You think that's cute? " He asks and shakes me. I don't respond. I'm in too much pain to respond. " We'll see when you don't see that precious lil girl of yours no more " He says and drags me to another room with the girl. " Stay Put " He says and closes the door. I hear it lock from the outside. " Bitch you did this to me " I say and charge towards her. She blocks her face, but I just keep punching the life outta this hoe. 

 Bout five minutes later, I'm laying over her. She's bleeding out her mouth and her nose. She got plenty of scratches on her face. She not moving. The hoe might be dead. I can't care less. 

 I hope my babygirl is somewhere safe and warm. 




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