Chapter 33

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London P.O.V  Saturday January 16th 2016 2:38pm

 "You got it?" Beaast asks me as I blow up the last balloon and throw it into the balloon pit at Paris' party. My babygirl finally turned one yesterday. I didn't realize her actual birthday was on a Friday until Beaast called me on Tuesday and told me. So, to still make Paris happy we scheduled her birthday party for today at 3:00pm and I invited 50 people I know and they all have daughters. Let's see how this goes. "Yeeeessss Beaast. I got it!" I said and I stood at the entrance way and admired the princess themed room. Damn! I'm good. "Damn it's girly as hell in here!" Me and Beaast turn around too see Tay shielding his eyes from all the pink in the room. "Wassup Boss" Tay walks over to Beaast and says. They handshake. "Wass good London" Tay says and hugs me. I smile and return the hug. "Wassup. Why you here so early?" I ask him. "You know I can't stay." He says and puts his hands in his pockets. "Oh. You still with that bitch?" I ask and chuckle. He looks at the ground and shrugs. "It's complicated." He says. I laugh. "So.. Um. ." Beaast says trying to break the awkward silence that just washed over us. "Soo. Why you here so early?" I ask Tay. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out some hundreds with a rubberband tied around it and a pick bow attached too it. I already know it's at least one thousand dollars in there. He hands it too me. "One thousand for Paris." He says and smiles. I laugh. "Tay! She's only one. She's practically still a baby. What she gone do with this?" I ask in disbelief. "Ion know. Put it towards college or some shit. You smart! You'll figure it out." He says and laughs. I look at Beaast with a shocked expression. "We can just let her use it as time goes on." He says and handshakes Tay. "Alright Boss. Be easy! Bye London!" Tay says as he's walking out the door. "Yo! Yall really needa do somethin' bout all this pink shit in here. Ion like it at all" He yells and walks out. Beaast laughs and walks towards the snack table. I shake my head and walk over too my purse and stuff the money in it. Kaay calls me and I answer.

 "Hey girl. Wassup." I say "Me and Paris just got too the fantasy limo place. We finna pick out a limo." She says almost out of breath. Yeesss I reserved a limo for my babygirl and 10 of her closest friends too arrive to the party in. Too bad Kaay has too chaperone cause I'm at the party place. I hope the girls don't annoy her too much. "Alright. Her friends there?" I ask. I hear Kaay sigh. "Yeah. I had to pick up the twins." She says. I scrunch up my face. "Twins? What twins? Yazmin and Jazmin?" I ask. " No! Tia and Gia." She says. I nod my head. "Oh. Okay. Who else there?" I ask. "Okay. Me, Paris, Tia, Gia, Yazmin, Jazmin, Kennedie, Diamond, Amari, Tiera, Chloe and Journey." She says and sighs again. "Alright. Cool. You good?" I ask with worry in my voice. "Yeah. I'm cool. Hey! Paris just picked out the 2014 range rover pink limo with the t.v.'s and everything inside. That's cool?" I smile. My baby got taste just like her mama. "Whatever my babygirl want. You get." I say. "Alright. We should be there by 3:30" Kaay says. "Alright. Good deal. Hey! The guests are arriving so i'll see yall then" I say. "Alright cool." Kaay says and hangs up. I throw my phone back into my purse and go greet the guests. The dj starts playing some music.


 Beaast P.O.V Saturday January 16th 2016 3:32pm

 "Hey! Kaay just called and said they bout 3 minutes away." London tells me. I nod my head at her and grab the microphone from the dj. He turns off the music, causing the kids and the parents too look up on the stage. "Uh. A lotta yall been asking for Paris. My lil diva only deserves the best. As yall know I like too spoil her. She's my only child. She's my only lil girl at that. And she's bout 2 minutes away. So if I could get all yall too get ya kids and make yall way outside for my babygirl main entrance. Please and thank you." I say and watch as everybody files out the building. I hand the dj his mike and me and London walk out with him following. "Got the camera?" I ask London. She smiles and holds up a digital camera and her cell phone. "Oh! Look" She says and points. I turn my head too see a pink Range Rover slowly turning into the parking lot stopping right in front of the crowd. I see millions of flashes going off all around me. Damn! I guess everybody wanted a picture. The butterfly door opens and Kaay is the first one too come flying out. Guess the girls did drive her crazy. All the other girls pile outta the limo and align the red carpet leading into the building. Lastly, Paris steps outta the limo looking flawless. My babygirl got on a pink ballroom gown with some silver flats and her hair is in a neat bun with 2 curls dangling off the side of her face. Yall girls know what i'm talkin' bout. She smiles and does a princess wave with her sparkling tiera on her head. The other girls follow her into the building. I look at London and she has tears in her eyes. I laugh and take a picture of her. She slaps my arm and walks inside. I go inside and "let it go" from the Frozen movie is playing. London gets on stage. "Okay. I need all the girls that came in the limo with Paris too follow me." She says and leads the girls too the spa station too get their nails and toes painted. I smile. My babygirl growin' up on me. The other little girls are at the balloon pit, dancing, singing, getting their hair done or playing dress up.


 Kaay P.O.V Saturday January 16th 2016 5:18pm 

 "Alright little Princesses! It's time too sing happy birthday to my little princess!" London says, causing the girls too clap and scream. They all crowd around the cake table and begin singing while Paris is sitting on a pretty crown shaped chair. After everyone is done singing, London hands everyone a cupcake with different princesses on it. 

Paris just got done opening her gifts. I bet she won't even remember this party when she turns five! I never got this many gifts in all my 22 years of living. 

 "Alright Princesses! I'm afraid it's time too say farewell. Thank you all for attending Paris' 1st Princess Spectacular! You all were great guests. Have a wonderful night!" London says. The guests start slowly leaving. 2 people come outta the kitchen and start cleaning. London, Paris, Ms. April and Journey walk over too me. "Journey wants too stay with Paris tonight. I already asked London and Beaast and they think it's fine. But, you do stay there so I wanna ask you too." Ms. April says too me. I smile and nod my head. I had already picked Journey up from Ms. April's house earlier this morning in order for her too ride in the limo with Paris. Paris and Journey jump up and down cheering. Ms. April smiles and hugs me. "Good luck!" She whispers and chuckles. My smile fades as she walks away. "Mommy! Mommy! Can me and Paris ride with you?" Journey asks. I nod my head again and rub my growing belly. London laughs and we all head out. Beaast and London walk towards Londons car. Paris and Journey get in the back of my car and strap themselves in. It's finna be a long night. I can just feel it. 

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