Chapter 23

467 11 4

Saturday 11/28/2015 4:32pm

 Beaast P.O.V

 "Paris! Put that down" She looks at me and smiles and shakes her head no. "Pay! Put it down." She grabbing London shoes out her closet. She plops down on her butt and throws the shoe right as London walks in the room. "PARIS AHMIRAH! STOP THAT!" She looks at London and bursts out in tears. London grabs her and lays her in our bed. She quickly scoots over to me and climbs on my chest. "Daaddyyy" She starts whining. She stay tryna put on a show! "What Paris?" She looks at me and sticks her bottom lip out. I kiss her forehead and rub her back. London rolls her eyes at us. "Mommy jealous." I whisper to Paris. She smiles and lays her head down on my chest. "Goodnight Pay. Take a nap."London says. Paris looks at London and waves her hand and closes her eyes. 


 London P.O.V

 Paris Ahmirah Alsina been working my nerves lately. So much attitude! But at the end of the day,that's my first born daughter and I love her and I always will period. That's my baby! I put her before any and everybody. She's all that. I can't wait for Kaay to drop her "load" so she can realize what I mean when I say "being a mother is hard." Every time I say it,she looks at me and laughs. That's cool. She gone get hers,tho. 

 "And all my life

 I've prayed for someone like you. 

 And I thank God that I,

 that I finally found you.

 All my life I've prayed for someone like you

 and I hope that you feel the same way too. 

 Yes I pray that you do love me too." 


 My phone starts ringing and it's Ms.April.

 "Hello?" I answer. "Hey baby." She says. "Wassup mama?" I ask. "Uhm. Actually, Journey wanted me to ask you and Beaast if she could come over there tonight. She can come back tomorrow morning. She gone be staying with me for a lil bit while Tay and Kaay look for a bigger place and all." "Oh okay. Lemme just ask Beaast." I text him while I'm on the phone with her.

 London: Baee. Can Jay Come Over Tonight?

 Beaast: Yeah.

 I get back on the phone with her. "Mama,he said yeah." "Okay. I'll drop her off round 6:00 ." "Alright. We'll be here." "Okay. See ya later." "Bye mama" I hang up and start cleaning up the living room. 


 Kaay P.O.V

 "I think a 3 bedroom will do. One for us. One for Journey. And one for the baby." I say and Tay starts rubbing my stomach. "It's whatever you want.bae."He tells me. "Aww! Okay." I say and smile. "I want a boy" He says and starts grinning like Joker. "Nope! Too bad it's gone be a girl." "Nah. You way off. I know this baby gotta dick." He says and I start laughing. "Whatever. It's a vagina in there somewhere and you just don't wanna admit it." He looks at me with a disgusted face. "My son don't got no pussy." I start laughing. "You right! Cause my unborn daughter got a vagina!" He gets up off the couch and goes in the kitchen. Fat ass! Always stuffing his face. I get up and get the laptop and start searching for bigger apartments. 


 Tay P.O.V

 Kaay outta her monkey ass mind if she think we having a girl. I can't take another lil girl. Don't get me wrong,I love Journey and all. But, I just know she having a boy. Journey is a handfull and I know as she gets older,it's only gonna get worse. Her and Kaay have a mother-daughter bond,but that's not her real mom and Journey knows that. I just don't want another little girl. I really hope it's a boy. Maybe he could be a junior. . I walk back in the living room and see Kaay with her sweatpants,hair tied,chillin' with no makeup on. That's when she's the prettiest.

 "Kaay." She looks up from her laptop. "Huh?" "What's gone be our son name?" She looks at me and laughs. "My daughter name is gonna be--" I take the laptop from her and close it. "Let's place a bet. If it's a boy,you gotta give me some pussy whenever and wherever I want for the next year!" She screws her face up and giggles. "Okay. And if it's a girl,which it will be. You gotta give me foot rubs,belly rubs and back rubs for the next year." I raise my eyebrow at her and stick my hand out to her. "Deal" I say. She shakes my hand. "Deal"She says and snatches her laptop out my hand. "What are you doing?" I ask her. She looks at me and smirks. "Finna look up ways on how you know if the baby is a girl or not." She says and laughs. I shake my head. I really hope it's a boy!




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