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Pick the damm phone, I yelled at no one in particular. It's almost 1 AM, and my partner is not home yet neither is he answering his phone. 

I was getting more worried by the minute, we have been dating since college and are married for 3 years now and it is the first time ever where Kit has been late and not informed him.

I called Beam his best friend since school and they work in the same hospital as well. Kit is general surgeon and Beam is a neurosurgeon, he picked up the second time I called.

"WHAT", Beam sounded tired , sleepy and annoyed.

"'Kit is not home yet and he is not picking up his phone too, when did he start from hospital?" I was now shouting at him so that he would wake up.

"Wait, wait – Kit is not home yet? He sounded fully alert now "but he started around 7 today, I had a surgery and just got out just an hour back"

"Shit" where is he, I could not control the terror and worry that was just waiting to consume me fully.

"Don't worry Ming" I heard Beam say "I am sure he is okay, may be some car trouble" he reassured me.

I couldn't hide my fear any longer "I have a bad feeling ... I can't explain but I am really worried. He always answers his phone or sends a message"

A lightning struck outside, it felt as though it was an omen that something is about to go very wrong. "Ming – you are the managing director of a construction company" Beam is trying to calm me down "think rationally – did you track his phone"

Shit, that never occurred to me "No, let me try" and I disconnected

"Forth... honey" Beam woke up the guy next to him "Hmm.. What is it?"s Forth as he got up

"Looks like Kit is not home yet, and Ming is on panic mode" I told him "I am worried too, I am going to look for him"

"In this rain? Are you stupid?" he frowned but then stopped as he saw the concern and anger on his darling's face "Ok, Ok – but you are not going alone, I will come too" he got out the bed.

"Thanks" I told him and gave a quick kiss, he just shook his head "You guys are worried over nothing" he sounded a bit grumpy having woken up in the middle of deep sleep.

"I tracked his phone, it is in middle of nowhere" Ming told as soon as we reached his place "Thanks Guys, for coming – follow me" he said and almost flew to his car.

"What the hell is going on" asked Forth

"I am not sure, but his phone's location is somewhere off track –not on his daily route" Ming said to Forth "We have no time, please hurry"

A lightening struck again, and it made Ming's face very visible in the pouring rain, he was a man being burned alive and that seemed to put Forth's complaining to an end.

We were way over speed limit; I was riding with Ming, not wanting him to drive alone. Forth was closely following us

"Slow down Ming, you are going to get yourself killed even before we reach Kit" but he didn't seem to hear

"We are almost there, Beam.... I just can't seem to shake off this bad feeling. He said he needed to visit an old patient of his, and would be home by 9"

Ming's voice shook, "It will be okay" not fully convinced myself, something was very wrong.

"We are getting closer to the location" Ming said, looking out the window it was middle of nowhere there was absolutely nothing within few kilometres from there, completely deserted and it had scattered bushes here and there

We stopped our cars, and got out. It was still raining and dark, so we turned on our flashlights. Kit's car was nowhere in vicinity, why is his phone here???

Forth quickly caught up with us, "Why the hell is his phone here" he voiced out what was going on in my mind "How the hell should I know" yelled Ming back "Let's split and search"

Forth went to the right "I will call you Beam, if I find him – and Ming, keep calling Kit's phone" he was shouting instructions as we separated

"Wait.... I think I can hear his phone ringing" I said to Ming "Stop and listen" Ming was half crazy already "There, see the light" and we both ran in that direction. Sure enough it was Kit's phone

'Kit.. KIT" "KITTINNNANNNNNN" yelled Ming, I followed the same and we both were searching frantically, and suddenly "There" Ming yelled and ran towards what seemed to be like a leg sticking out behind a shrub.

Shit... I followed him and in parallel called Forth "Forth... I think we found him, come to where we parked our cars, and drive towards my phone's location."

"No, No, NO" yelled Ming "It's him... come here quickly" and he ran even faster "that's his shoes, I know it" I ran faster too.

What we saw there stunned us both in place for a second, before Ming rushed to cover Kit with his coat. Kit was lying all bloodied, unconscious and his cloths all torn apart, his phone was lying under the bushes.

Ming carried Kit - almost running into Forth's car. "Get him in quick – we need to take him to the hospital."

"Beam – go with them, you will be more useful than me" Forth said "I will bring the other car". Forth can be really practical even during crisis – I was grateful for a minute

We got into the car, placed Kit at the back seat – I got in too – trying to check for his pulse and do a quick check as Ming flew through the highway.

"Ming... his pulse is steady" I told him, my fear was now turning into a panic – "But – I want you to be prepared" Beam told Ming

"Prepared for what" Ming was now in tears, but he didn't slow down "Is he okay?"

"I think so – but from the looks of it, he is badly injured.... and, and..." I stammered

"And what?" Ming turned around, he saw my pain and tears "Please tell me – is Kit okay?"

"He is severely injured – no doubt, but I fear he might have been raped too" I said with tears streaming down my face

Ming's eye widened in shock and pain, "Is he okay?" was all he could ask.

"I seriously hope so" replied Beam holding Kit closer to him, "He is cold – hurry"

Ming didn't reply but he kept looking at Kit on the front mirror the whole way.

"Kit, Please be okay and come back to me" wasall Ming kept saying out loud – as if he wished for Kit to hear and reply him.    

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