Why, o Why?

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"It is good to be home" I said as we entered hour house, my stomach was protruding a little bit, putting in a little bit of strain on my back, but nothing I can't manage... but still it felt nice to have Ming support me by trying to take in my weight

"Now – walk straight to our bedroom" he said, "I want to on that bed now"

"Nope, not going to happen" I smirked "you have to wait until this baby is born"

"What made you such a maniac?" he laughed "get your mind out of the gutter"

I just laughed as I walked in, it was a shock – Peach had placed fetal monitor and all emergency supplies in one corner, now our bedroom felt like hospital.

"What the hell was she thinking" I cursed

"Do you want the baby to hear you curse" said Beam, who was putting away our stuffs which he had carried in along with Forth

"They don't hear our words now" I said

"Tch, Tch" he now frowned "we need to get you some mommy and me books – you are so behind", turning to Forth "Remind me to bring the books next time"

I was curious now "Beam, why do you have those books?"

His face instantly expressed hurt "why can't I have them?" he asked me

I took a step back, I knew his longing for a baby and the procedure for him and forth to adopt has been delayed for so long now

"Don't – it was stupid of me" I apologized

"I got the for you stupid, and I was sure you will not read – so I read them just in case" he explained while Forth just shook his head looking at Ming

They have long learned not to interfere in conversation or argument between me and Beam.

Ming jumped in "Kit, why don't you at least sit?" he said "you are making me nervous"

I sighed, he will not stop hovering over me unless I do "Fine"

"Ming" Forth called

We both turned to look at him, it looked as if he wanted to say something serious

"I know Peach offered to send in a doctor from her hospital" he paused looking at me and Ming, "I was wondering if it is okay with you guys then Beam and I can stay with you until the baby is born"

Wow, I cant believe what they are offering

"No, it will be hard for you guys" I refused "Your work is so far away, and Beam's shift it the hospital will be so hectic"

But I was genuinely touched that he said it

"Na, it won't be – we can work it out with the hospital, me and Pha will rotate amongst ourselves" Beam said as he sat next to me

"It is not like we need to work here, all we have to do it stay next to you" he smiled putting his hand over my shoulder

I looked at Ming, and he shrugged, and we heard the doorbell.

"Come on, it has been so long since we stayed together – plus what is the use in having this huge house if we can't stay?" he continued as Ming went to get the door

"Guys" Ming called, I saw him walk in with Pha and Yo

"Hello Kit" said Pha, as Yo walked over to me and gave me hug

"Let me put these bag in the guest bedroom upstairs" Pha moved carrying two big suitcases

"Pha will stay with you, while I shuttle" explained Yo "I have a few business trips planned for next couple of months – but I told my Pa, I am taking off when you have her"

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