Benevolence or Lunacy or Simple Closure

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"Dr.Phana" sighed the director, "I didn't expect this from you of all people" he now looked at me who was sitting next to Pha, "and who are you?"

"It is my fault, I will take responsibility" Pha said "Leave everyone else out of it", he was still simmering in anger and I could not let it happen

"He was only protecting his friend" I interjected "and if I may add – what is the problem here – why does the hospital have to get involved?"

"No, hospital is nowhere involved" he agreed "and we would like to stay this way"

He looked at Pha "My only concern here is why is the young and flourishing neurosurgeon here would beat up a patient like he is a gangster?"

"That is personal" Pha said through his teeth

"Hmmm" he now looked serious "something to do with Dr.Kit may be...... you must understand here that I am only concerned for my doctors"

Pha and I just sat silent, he just sighed "go on... please ensure that the hospital reputation is intact"

We thanked him and headed out.s

"Thank You" I said to Pha, he just looked at me weird and then said, "Shut it – Kit was my best friend and brother by the time you could run"

He was still fuming "Just because you are married, doesn't mean I have nothing to do with him" he stopped to look at me "He is MY BEST FRIEND – and remember same goes to you if you hurt him in anyway"

"I won't give a second thought about hurting you – Kit & Beam always comes first to me" he threatened

I wat no a least bit scared but happy to have someone like him in our life so I smiled

"Don't" he said and walked away, towards the room where we had left Kit & Beam – but met them both on the way walking quickly away from there

"Ming" shouted Beam "Stop him"

I ran towards Kit, and he just shook me off and kept walking

"What happened?" asked Pha as we all walked with Kit who was dead silent

"I am not sure" replied Beam, there was something in his voice I could not understand "What?"

"I will explain, but for now let's go home" he said, "Should I call Yo?" he me as he looked at Pha.

"No, don't bother" replied Pha instead "I just want to take him home" he pointed to Kit who was walking as if the whole world's weight was on his shoulder

"Kit" I called him, but Pha shook his head "Let him be, give him sometime"

I looked at him surprised, but something on his face told me it might be a better idea after all so I just caught up to Kit and held his hands.

He turned to look at me, his face impassive – but he held on to my hands as his life dependent on it

"Please – let's go home" he muttered those words barely a whisper.

I gave my keys to Beam, who seemed to be the only one under control of his emotions at the moment, he and Pha got into the front seat while we got into the back

As soon as the engine started, Kit rested his head on my shoulder but he linked his arm undermine as if he was holding me there in place.

I adjusted myself so that he can be more conformable – he just sighed and closed his eyes

I looked at Beam for some explanation – he just shook his head.

Kit slept the whole way and as soon as we reached home - he told me to take him to our bedroom and he was too tired to walk.

Boon or Bane? {MPreg}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora