End of the tunnel

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Past few days was as if I was living in my worst nightmare, and I was finally able to breathe only when Kit opened his eyes. I said a silent prayer thanking all gods for giving back Kit to me

Everyone except for Beam and Forth was next to me, still they gave me space – which I needed very much at the moment

Peach stepped out, I quickly went to her, she gave a whole-hearted smile "Worst is over Ming" she told me

I just pulled her into a hug "Thank you... thank you so much"

She patted my back "He is waiting for you, go in – I will explain Pha and he will tell you the details later"

"Achara?" I asked her

"We will be shifting her to NICU in another 2 hours, you can go see her then"

"Okay... Thanks" I said again "I owe you my life"

"Don't be so dramatic" she laughed "Go on"

I entered his room, he smiled on seeing me

"How are you?" he asked me

"I should be asking you that"

His voice was still hoarse, still a whisper but it rang so loud in my heart, chasing away all my fears. He extended his arms a bit, I could see the strain he was under

"Don't over exert" I said as I took his hands in mine, afraid to hold it tight as I might hurt him and scared to let go

"Love you" he said tears running down on side of his face as he turned to look at me

"Don't ever do that to me" I told him "I can't take – I thought I would die"

He smiled "promise", I sighed

"Sleep with me here"

I nodded feeling very tired for the first time since he went into the surgery, I held on to his hands like my lifeline, he just patted my head ass I drifted into a world of bliss.

Kit was laughing, I wonder what is so funny. I thought to myself and then I realized we were in a hospital – I quickly opened my eyes

"Hey, sleepy head" said Yo who was sitting in the chair next to me

I looked around a bit surprised, only to find the whole gang here except for Forth, my ma and Kit's parents were there too -wow how long was I sleeping?!!

Kit?!, I instantly looked at him only to find him sleeping, still holding my hands.

"It is okay, he just fell asleep and I was going to drop off your parents" Pha told me

"How long was I sleeping, what is the time now? What about Achara?" I asked

"Wait , wait... I will tell you" replied Yo

"Take care – she is beautiful" my ma said "I saw her today"

"We will see you tomorrow" said my pa, "take care" as they moved out

Yo turned to me "Forth is with Achara, Beam is sleeping now – they have been taking turns staying with her"


"You slept in that position for straight 17 hours, we tried waking you up – but you wouldn't get up"


"It's okay – you needed your rest too..."

"Kit has been asking me to feed you something", Yo smiled "Freshen up – eat and then go see your daughter"

"Okay" I slowly tried to take my hand out of Kit's, he woke up instantly

"You are up" he said "Did you eat?"

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