Finding a way back

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"Kit, darling" I said as I entered the room, "It is a girl..." he had tears in his eyes along with a beautiful smile that will stay in my heart forever

"I knew" smiled

"One time you were right" he teased

"Second time" I said with a smile as I sat on his bed, "You were my first" I bent down and gave him a kiss.

I then sighed taking in all the monitors and IV fluids connected to him hands.

"It's okay" he answered looking at my expression "They are just for monitoring.... Nothing to worry"

"Hmm Hmm" I nodded, struggling up to frame the words that were eating me up

"Kitty" he just looked at me

"I know... you are trying to apologies for being a jerk"

How well he knows me, I smiled "I am sorry – I was so blindsided with the idea of having a child of our own, I completely missed you"

He smiled "I thought that's how mothers react, fathers disappear when the baby comes".....

"I was a selfish Jerk, who doesn't deserve you" I went on, as his tone was not making things easy "I am truly sorry"

"I know you are" he gave me a wink "I know a way how you can make it up to me"

"Anything" I promised

"Diaper duty – until she is out of it" he laughed, such a beautiful sound

"Agreed" I laughed back and gave him a kiss.

"And..." he gave me a wicked smile "It is about time we decorated the nursery"

"You wish is your command" I smiled "Tell me what you want and I will get it done"

He sighed, placing a hand on his  baby bump "You hear that darling – he said my wish is his command"

"Knock, Knock" I heard Dr.Peechaya's voice, I corrected myself Peach's voice – "I am coming in to ruin your moment" she announced as she pushed opened the door.

"Ming – I just heard you didn't know my name" she said raising her eyebrow "I am hurt"

"Sorry" I mumbled

"Na... that's okay" she smiled now, "Kit here is fine, a sudden raise in blood pressure – we had to ensure the baby is alright; hence too many don't worry"

I nodded

"Now, let me explain why I need to stay for a minimum of 5 days "she looked at me in the eye

"5 day's" Kit whined "That is too long" he said

But she just shushed him, "I am talking to your husband so shut up" she told him

"A male's body is very different from female – which is designed to allow a child's growth" she sat on the chair next to his bed

"But the situation here is very different, as the fetus grows – she will struggle to move around or if she moves around a lot, we do not know what will be the impact on Kit's internal organs"

She looked at me as if waiting for me to confirm if I understood, so I nodded

"All we want to do now, if to determine the fetal position and see if we can predict her growth pattern"

I nodded gain, but Kit sighed - I took his hands in mine

"So don't worry too much" she reassured me "I actually wanted Kit to stay in the hospital until we perform the C-section" she sighed "But you know him"

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