Face to face with the devil

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"Do you really have to go today?" Ming asked, "Why don't you just stay home... please", but I knew if I gave in now I will never be able to recover

"No, Ming" I looked at him in his eyes "It is my last day, I need to do a proper handover. But that's just an excuse – I cannot hide behind you guys always – I need to fight my own fight"

"But, you don't have to - that's the point of being surrounded by your loved ones" Ming said

We were still at Pha's place, sitting around the dining table having our breakfast and they were both mute witnesses to our argument

I sighed "Please understand what I am saying" I tried to plea

"He is right Ming" Yo said, "Not you too" replied Ming

"No, he can't avoid life forever in fear now, can he?" Yo tried to reason.

Ming sighed in defeat "if you put it that way" he then turned to look at Pha "Promise me that you will not let him out of your site"

Pha nodded, "Okay – but you should know that I am with them on this, but I will be there don't worry too much"

Ming was now left in silence and he couldn't do anything more as it was 3 against 1, "Fine, he said looking at me – have it your way, but you are texting me every half an hour"

"Okay" I smiled "I will", he was pouting now so I leaned in and gave him a kiss on his lips "Please dear, please understand I need to do this"

"I don't have to like it, but I agree" he then looked at me with such an intense gaze "Please be careful"

Suddenly Yo giggled, it was so different from how he has been for so long, yet it matched him – we both turned in unison but Pha just shook his head

"Let's go" Pha got up "it is getting late and I am on ER duty today"


"Open the bloody door you prick" yelled Nam and Pop as the banged on the bathroom door, and it wouldn't withstand the force of the two young men

"Shit" yelled Pop "Nam – he is dead" as he rushed in to the bathroom.

"What?!!" Nam hurried in "Move aside you moron" he pushed Pop off Prem and quickly checked for his pulse "We are in deep trouble if he is"

He then sighed in relief "He is alive", he then turned to Pop "Get your Bike, let's take him to the hospital"

Nam drove the bike while Pop sat behind him with Prem sandwiched between the both, Pop yelled "Nam – slow down, you are not balancing properly"

"I am trying my best here, you shut up" Nam yelled back

They were close to the university hospital, "We are almost there – hold tight" he shouted at Pop, and then took a sharp left to turn to the hospital and then he lost his balance.


"Where are you?" asked Pha on the phone "I am almost done" I replied him "I had no idea I knew so many people in this hospital and I have been walking across departments ever since we came here" I smiled

"Okay – where do you want me to come?" asked Pha "Did you talk to Ming,I don't want me at my throat again"

"Yeah, yeah – I did" I told him "When are you done – are there lot of cases in ER now"

"No, we just had a suicide and couple of accidents" he said "Nothing for me to do – but my shift is not over for another couple of hours"

"Hmm, okay – in that case, I will go meet the chief say my good bye and wait for you the bench outside ER side exit" I planned as I sat down

"My leg's are killing me" I told him

"What time can you meet Dr.Peechaya" he asked me "I still think you should check it out just in case – you were a lost stressed yesterday"

"No, I am fine – you know me" I sighed when will these guys believe my word

"Okay – you are the boss, call once you are down here, I can also join you if I am closer to the ER" he said and cut the call

I decided to rest for 10-15 mins before meeting my chief – it has been a long day and I closed my eyes He could not have been more that 20 or 22, but why? Why me? I could not get that thought out of my head "No, No – Don't go there" I told myself as I got up

I saw the time, it was 7 15 PM already shit – I slept for an hour, wow... I must have been tired – I hurried to meet my chief and bid my good byes.

I called Pha, he picked on the first ring "I was going to come find you" he told me "No, I dozed off" I was embraced to admit

"that's okay" he said, "come down I will meet you in few minutes"

"I am on my way, same place I told you before" I replied and cut the call. I then called Ming, he too answered on first ring, what's with these people I can't help but feel happy for a minute

"Me and Pha are by the exit next to ER" I told him "I will be there in 20 minutes, don't wait alone"

I walked up to the bench beneath the large peepul tree, thankful for the fresh air... but as I walked closer I saw someone sitting there already, with head on their knees


Why the hell was I saved while Pop is in there.... I thought to myself, I should have been the one who died– I couldn't hold back my tear.

Pop and Nam are the only souls in this world who cared for me, they provided me with food and shelter when there was no one next to me, they were part of the gang that ran the underworld drug mafia but still they took care of me

I was sobbing hard – "It was all my mistake" I yelled at no one in particular "Let me die please" I begged again but there was no answer

I woke up in the same hospital where Dr.Kit worked, I ran away instantly for the fear of being seen by him or his friends – how much more rotten my luck could be.


I hesitated as I went closer, and I was about to turn back cursing myself for being a coward while Pha joined me

"Kit" he called "Why don't we sit there?" he pointed to the bench

"There is someone sitting down already, behind the bench can you see" I pointed out to Pha

"That's okay – let's go there anyways, am dead tired" he said "I just finished the complete examination for 3 people who were in accident"

So we continued, I was walking a bit slowly partially because I was tired and my legs were swollen again and partially because I didn't want to disturb that person – it looked like they wanted solitude.

But Pha, went ahead "Come on, Kit" he said a bit loud "When is Ming coming to pick you"

I smiled it is his way of announcing our presence and the person immediately looked up

What the hell, I turned around Did I hear – KIT... I looked up SHIT It was HIM, Prem was on his feet instantly looking a way to run away – but there is no way he could go without crossing Kit

Curiosity got the better of me, I had heard someone crying – maybe he is friend or family of someone admitted. I stared at the spot where he stood and I saw the face as he turned

I froze.    

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