Best Things in Life

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"Hold it a bit more to the left" I heard Pha Instructing Yo as we entered, "Make up your mind... will you? It is exhausting" Yo spat back

"Do we even need to put up the decorations now?" Yo was yelling "I told you we can hire help"

"Come on – it is more fun if we do it ourselves" Pha replied and I yelled before Yo you start the stream of curses "Hey Guys, we are here"

Yo instantly dropped stickers he was holding "Kit... Achara" and got down from the chair, he rushed to us and lifted her up "You have grown over the week, and planted a kiss on her"

She giggled "Where is uncle Pa?" she asked and wiggled out to rush to him as Pha stepped, Yo laughed "Why are you her favorite?" and handed over her to him

He took her gently and planted a Kiss "Hey sweety", "Did you miss me?"

But she ignored the remark and with a natural curiosity of 3-year-old, she started picking out things in his shirt pocket hunting for chocolates he always carries around for her.

"When is Ming coming?" Yo asked me as Pha played tug-of-war over the chocolates with her

"He will be late, his meeting his getting delayed" I responded and then turned to Pha "Don't give her more than one"

"You need to stop bribing her" Yo smacked his shoulders before walking in to the dining room, I followed him to help him with decorations

"When will you be meeting Du?" I asked

"The paper work is almost done" he smiled "He will be with us by this month end"

"I am happy for you Yo" I said as we started putting together food "So, when are they arriving"

He sighed "I am glad they are finally getting married, they will be here around 8.... Guest should start coming by 7"

Forth and Beam were finally getting married and Forth wanted to throw a surprise engagement party for Beam, so naturally we were all in and only struggle was to keep Beam out of the loop

"Okay" I smiled "Don't bother with decorations – Ming's has arranged for people and Pha knows it, he has been just teasing you this whole time" I laughed

"Why .. that moron" Yo replied with annoyance "Sometime, I wonder if he has brains at all" he sighed "I took a day off for this and have been running around like crazy since morning"

We both went to hall, where Pha was on the floor playing, with Achara on his lap "Paaaa... "she came running to me , her face smeared with chocolate , I sighed and took her to clean.

Pha looked at us "Oh oh" he feigned fear looking at Yo's expression "Mind it – there is a child in our presence" he walked back

Yo was about to say something when the doorbell rang, "Saved by the bell" said Pha and he rushed out.

I took, Achara out to the garden at the back while Pha and Yo, gave instructions to the caters and for decoration – "Let's play here" I told her as she ran around to examine the flowers

I could never take my eyes of her – she has been slowly gaining weight, but still she was small for a 3-year-old – but she has been improving well and was full of life, exactly like Ming.

Sometime, it feels like I am living with an adult and child version of him at the same time – but hey am not complaining, that only made my life perfect

"Kit – I got her some milkshake" Yo handed it over as he sat on the chair next to mine "Soon – she will have a brother to play with"

"You might have seen in me, but still you have no idea how your life will change Yo" I smiled "They become your universe"

"I can't wait" he said and we started chatting, as Pha joined us after some time together with Ming

As soon as she saw him, she came running to him "Daddyyyyyy" and jumped, he caught her as softly as a flower and swirled around making her giggle

"Give her this" I pushed the milkshake to him, while Pha looked at me with a smirk "Ordering around as soon as he is back"

"What?" ... I replied annoyed "She eats better with him than me" I replied, "You will know – what they say about terrible two & three is right - I am tired"

"You will experience it soon enough – let me see how you talk then" I smirked

We spent our time bantering until our guests slowly started arriving. My phone started ringing when I was changing her into a pink frock we had got her for the occasion – it was Forth

"Ming – answer it na" I told him as I tried to hold her and put the dress on

"Hey Forth" Ming answered putting him on speaker while trying to distract Achara in parallel

"Ming" he was surprised "Did I call you?"

"No, No ... we are on speaker – tell us"

"Oh ok, we will be there in 20 mins – am going to pick Beam now"

"OK, it is all done – no worries"

"Fine" he paused "also...."

"What?" I asked him

"I don't know if I did the right thing, Prem is in town – so I invited him too..."

There was pin drop silence from both of us except for Achara asking us to let her go

"Ming... Kit?? "Forth continued "He has no one and he is doing so well, he needs support.... Sorry, but pleaseee"

I sighed, suddenly very aware of the fact that it was the first time we are seeing him since that day in the hospital

"You sure it will be okay?" I asked him while Ming looked uncomfortable

"You have word on it" Forth replied sincerely

If he is trusting him so much, then I decided "Okay" and "See you soon".

Ming cut the call and looked at me "Are you sure?" he asked

"Let's get her dressed, we will then talk" I told him and we got into the battle where it took us another 15 mins to get her fully dressed

She shot out like as arrow as soon as we were done "Gram ma..." she shouted as she ran to the hall

I sat on the bed, and Ming sat next to me and put his hands over mine

"I am suddenly very nervous" I told him

"We can leave" he offered

"No.... "I sighed and got up and went behind her "She is going to trip and fall if she continues to run like this"

He followed me silently. I was only half concentrating on the party with heaviness pressing down my throat.

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