Hailing storm of blows

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"Ming" called Dr.Peechaya as she stepped out of the examination room, I got up in an instant and went to her followed by Beam

"What is worng?" I asked

"Is it Preeclampsia – how bad?" asked Beam

"Yes, his BP is high also his amniotic sac has torn and fluid is just collected in Kit's lower abdomen having no way to drain" he looked at me

"We need to operate immediately" she told us, "Ming, please do sign the necessary paper works – I am moving Kit to the theatre now"

"Please... please save him" I pleaded

"Will try my best" she assured me "Do you want to come in?" she asked Beam

"No, I will stay with Ming until Pha or Forth is here" he told her looking at me "we will then join you"

She nodded "Okay – am moving now" she left us

"Is it bad?" I asked Beam

"I don't know – usually amniotic fluid will discharge same was as urine in case of females but there is no way for it to come out " he explained "if it is just getting collected somewhere in your body – it can impacts your organs"

"what is Pree.."

"That is due to increase in BP – it can affect both the mom and baby, in this case Kit and Baby – but we found it earlier so it should be okay"

Even though he explained his expression gave him away, he was worried too

With listening to Kit talk about leaving me alone yesterday – I was dumbstruck now, what will I do without Kit?

We sat there in silence waiting, and then all 3 of the came together – Pha, Forth and Yo

Yo rushed to my side "It will be okay" he said

I didn't respond but just nodded, while Beam explained Pha and Forth the current scenario

"Beam, do you want to join me... I am going to the theatre" said Pha

"No, I am too nervous – I will be of no use there" he said "So much for being a surgeon if I cant treat my family" Beam babbled on

"It's okay to be nerveous" said Forth

He came on to Beam's side and pulled him closer, "it's okay" he said to Ming patting him on his back

Minutes ticked by, and Pha stepped out of the theatre "She is out, healthy for now 0 they have taken her to NICU"

"Kit?" was all I could say

"They are closing him up, we have taken out all remaining parts of the uterus and cleared off the amniotic fluid – we just have to monitor him for a couple of days"

"Okay" I sighed

"Ming – congratulations; both your husband and daughter is fine" he smiled

I could not process it, I just kept looking at him, Yo pulled me around and hugged me

"Congrats daddy" he said as he laughed

Beam did the same too, but all I could think at the moment was Kit

"You can see her in some time once they do the preliminary tests and move her to NICU" Pha said again "Kit will take a couple of hours more, so don't worry – its all okay"

"Okay" was all I could say

"Someone slap him back to this world" said Forth laughing

"I can't wait to see her" said Beam "Why do I feel as if I got a daughter for myself"

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