Best Things in Life (2)

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The house was bright and full of laughter, I really was not sure if I should be here, but I really couldn't resist the urge to meet Ming and his daughter.

Since the day I met him at his home – my life's only goal has to be a better person for his sake, I wanted to prove that I am no longer the low-life. But I was also very aware of the fact that he does not want to meet me ever

I took a deep breath – Forth invited me, he must have spoken to them before he did, I resolved myself and stepped in through the door

As soon as I stepped in, my eyes searched for Kit – but instead found a small girl running towards me in a pretty pink dress and golden shoes, shaking her head and giggling

I didn't know who she was but I smiled automatically and then, I saw who she was running from

Kit was chasing her with a small bowl in his hand, and he stopped on track when saw me there, but by then she tripped but I caught her like it was reflex and lifted her up

She looked at me for the first time, and gave a toothy grin "Down, down" she said and wiggled

I let her down slowly and she ran to him, he still stood there shocked

"Achara?" I asked... trying to smile

He nodded and picked her up in a instant as if he is shielding her from me "Come in" he said

I walked towards him "How are you?"

But Ming was with him by then, he placed a hand over Kit's shoulder in a possessive manner "Prem" his voice very formal "How have you been?" he asked

I don't know why I did what I did ... but poured out everything

"I am fine – still working for Forth, I got my high school diploma this year.... Have applied for engineering college – will be starting school next year ...... I am working three jobs now to pay for the tuition though Forth said he will help.... I do not even sip alcohol now... I am trying my best to keep my promise to you"

They were both shocked, but a small smile appeared over Ming's face

"Good to know" he said "Come in" he extended his hands to me

I must have looked like an idiot – I just kept looking at his gesture; I had just confessed everything like a kid waiting for their parent's approval, I was embarrassed to even look at them now

"It's okay" Kit said smiling "Go on in meet Forth"

I quickly nodded and almost ran to Forth


I looked at Ming, surprised by Prem's monologue but he just shook his head "I told you he is not that bad"

I sighed, and turned to Achara "Will you eat is Gram ma feeds you"

She nodded, knowing her chances are better with Gram ma than me, and she kissed me and wiggled out

Ming came back after ensuring that she is with his ma, and sat down next to me

"What's wrong?" he asked me

I sighed, and leaned on his shoulder "We have to tell him"

"What?", "No... ", "Why?" Ming was upset

"He has the right to know at least"

"Not really" Ming scowled

"Ming – you know it is the right thing to do" I told him, he just sighed and nodded "I will ask him to stay back"

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