Strom In Me

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I woke up early, feeling restless and saw Ming in deep sleep next to me. I didn't want to disturb him as I know he will get up the moment I move.

It has been horrible, I was still in shock and was not comfortable travelling alone, but I did not have to voice out my fear, Ming dropped me up every day. Except for that there has been no change in the way he treated or behaved with me.

I couldn't help but feel happy for my boyfriend... no my husband. I sighed and moved in closer to him, he threw is arm over me and snuggled in.

"We are going to be late, didn't you say you need to meet with suppliers early today" I smiled as I tried to wake him up after about 30 mins, he pouted "I know, let me sleep like this for 5 more mins" he said and pulled me in closer.

I sighed, gave him a kiss, "Only 5 mins." I said, but he just pulled me in for a deeper kiss.

"Kitty – hurry up" yelled Ming in sitting in the car "I am hurrying – let me lock the door MingKwan" I responded back – it has been almost 4 weeks since I got discharged from hospital.

We were back to normal routine, and we never spoke of that incident. I was still a jumpy whenever a stranger approached me – but thanks to Ming and my friends I was ALMOST back to normal.

"Are you still eating" – complained Ming as I got into the car , "Well – I am hungry" I responded back
"You are getting fat" smiled Ming, while I glared at him "Well – fat and cute" he pacified me.

I ignored him, and continued munching on the chocolate I had in my hands.

We reached my hospital and Ming pulled in front of the entrance, he quickly gave me a kiss on my lips "my two favourite flavours in one bite" he winked "Kitty and KitKat"

I couldn't help but blush, my previous irritation with him seemed to have disappeared. "Bye" I quickly pulled back and got down. I stood there watching him drive away.

"Hello Dr. Kit" I heard a familiar voice, it was Beam. I only smiled as he came closer to him.

"Have I gained weight?" I asked him as soon as he came closer to me, he gave me a puzzled look, but sighed "Not a lot – you seem to be eating your feelings"

"What?" I asked him shocked as we walked towards our respective wards.

"I see you always munching on chocolate every time I see you, I thought that was your way of handling your stress and didn't comment about it"

"Hmmm..." I know he will give me an honest reply but he didn't have to agree instantly. It was my fault for asking him. "I will see during lunch" I quickly walked away leaving him puzzled.

I checked my weight as soon as I walked into my room, I had gained only 2 KG, these morons are making a scene over nothing, I thought to myself, But I threw the Kitkat that I had in my hands into the dustbin and started with my rounds.

But by the time I finished my rounds, I was really hungry – something is wrong, may be Beam is right – chocolates are mood elevators and maybe I am eating my feelings.

"Screw it" – I cursed and took a chocolate from my coat, "Dr?" asked the startled staff nurse next to me. I just shook my head and walked to my room.

It was lunch time – Pha and I were walking towards the canteen when Beam joined us. We took our food and went to the table.

"How are you feeling?" Pha asked me "What?" I asked him "Just as usual" I responded back. "Why?" I asked him after a pause.

"Nothing" Pha just laughed looking at my plate – which was too full. "Shut Up" I scowled at him and started eating while Beam kept looking at me.

"Pha" Beam said "Should we be worried, this guy has been eating for 3 people and still claims that he is hungry".

"Nah... I always felt he needed to eat more instead of dieting" replied Pha and continued eating from his plate. We ate our lunch bantering after that and returned to our respective wards.

My phone rang, "Hey Darling" I said picking it up on the first ring.

"My meeting is over running, can you check with Beam or Pha to drop you?" he asked worried.

"Sure, don't worry" I told him, but I wanted to go home alone today, so I decided to take a taxi but text my friends just in case they were worried.

I was exhausted by the time I reached home, I went straight to bed and slept.

"Good Morning "someone was whispering in my ears, I woke up startled – "Are you okay – I have never seen you this tired? Should we go to a doctor?" Ming asked me with concern in his eyes.

"I am a doctor" I replied annoyed "What time is it?" I asked him "Why are you so late? Did you have food?"

"Oh, Oh... hold your questions" Ming crawled onto the bed with me "I am not late, it is 7 30 AM in the morning, you slept early and didn't even wake up when I came home"

I was shocked "I slept for 15 hrs straight?" I asked out loud, no wonder I am hungry. I sighed and wanted to get up.

As soon as I stepped on the floor, a sudden wave of dizziness overpowered and before I can realize what is happening, I blacked out.

I slowly opened my eyes, to find myself on the floor with Ming holding my upper body "What happened?" I asked him

"I don't know, you got down and then fainted" he sighed in relief now that I am up "You blacked out for a whole minute"

"Hmmm..." I tried to get up "I feel fine now – that was strange" I told myself

"I don't care, we are now going to doctor now" he almost carried me out. "Wait, wait... let me first eat" I yelled

"What?" he asked stunned "Err... Let be brush and have something, I have been starving ever since my sandwich at 3 PM yesterday – maybe that's why I blacked out" I tried reasoning.

"Okay" he agreed "But we are still going to Doctor" he threatened me, so I agreed.

We went to the hospital where I was admitted earlier, it brought bad memories, but I didn't want to go the place where I worked. They ran a series of test and took my blood sample.

I was going through my discharge summary from last time – which I never did before. Its better I understand than hearing it from someone.

It brought back the horrors, but I pushed it back and continue reading, the report stated about my surgery and general post-op of treatment on discharge, nothing out of the ordinary.

Then I saw the letters PMDS, suddenly it all made sense – My appetite, weight gain, moodswings – but it is not possible, or is it?

"What is it?" asked Ming sounding worried by gauging my reaction "I don't know" I responded still in shock, while the doctor called us in.

"I don't know if I should congratulate" he told us "But, He is pregnant, we will know more once we do the scan".

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