Perfect Stranger

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"Let's get chicken and meat – that way we got both our dads covered" said Kit, "and a whole lot of wine and alcohol" I smiled "they are gonna need it"

We were at the super market, picking up stuffs to make dinner tonight as both our parents were visiting and we were going to tell them about the baby

"No, am not sure – I get nauseous by the smell of alcohol" frowned Kit, "But let's buy them"

We continued picking vegetables and fruits ass we planned for the menu, while Kit stopped suddenly looking back

"What?" I asked him, "No nothing – I thought I saw someone following us" he said looking around

"Yes, a lot of people are in a shop" I tried to joke, but I looked around as well and saw no one interested in us even remotely

"May be am just tensed" said Kit and continued, but I was completely alert now and I kept checking.

"You see that guy in blue shirt ahead of us – the one who looks cute" asked Kit, I concentrated on him


"I think I have seen him in our hospital" Kit said

I stood on my toes to get a better view, he was good looking "What are you doing checking our others... I am right next to you"

"I was just showing him to you, and why .... Can't I even say if someone is cute or handsome" teased Kit "I have the right to look at beautiful people you know"

"Nope, you don't – you are mine and only mine, and you cannot say someone else is cute to me" I responded

"Are you jealous? Seriously after all these years?" he asked me surprised

I didn't reply feeling a bit awkward by his reaction "I love you" he surprised me with quick kiss on my cheeks and quickly continued walking.

Kit and I cooked together both our parent's favorite dishes, I didn't tell him but I had sneaked in a chocolate cake as surprise for Kit – we were just setting up the table when the door bell rang

"You be here, I will get it" I said to Kit and went ahead

It was Kit's mom and dad , "Hello Uncle, Hello Aunty – How are you?" I asked them as I held the door to let them in.

"We are good, and how are you guys?" asked Kit's father, he was not very comfortable with the whole idea of us – but he went along for sake of his son

"We are good, thanks – please sit" I told them as Kit came in with juices "Ma.... How are you?" he went straight to her and then turned to his father "Hello dad"

"What is the big news?" asked Kit's mother "I can't stand the suspense" she said eyeing Kit slowly.

"You will have to wait until his parents are here" said Kit, while the doorbell rang again "Looks like they are here too"

Both are dads exchanged pleasantries and were quickly catching up, while our mom's walked into the kitchen to help set the table – they were surprised to see it all done

My mom kept looking at me continuously "why so I feel as if I am in for a sweet shock – the first time you introduced Kit"

I didn't say anything, she was quick to catch on, but Kit's mom added "Are you guys planning for a baby?" she looked at us back and forth 'Is that the big news"

"Ma... wait" said Kit but he couldn't hold his smile in him any longer "Yes"

"Wow" they cried out together "that's perfect", I decided it's time to have the talk so I called our father's and we all gathered around the table

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