Love is both a Boon & Bane

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"Has the surgery started?" Yo asked as he rushed in, he saw Ming sitting in one corner, Forth next to him and Prem standing at the far end of the room

Forth turned, "They took her just now – Pha and Beam have gone in with them" he moved a chair so that Yo can sit next to Ming

"Any news on Kit?" Yo asked as he sat down

"No... they tried waking him up again today"

"Hmmm..." replied Yo not knowing what to say

"They are not sure why... we just have to wait" Forth continued

"So, he signed the papers?", "Should I call in my lawyer – I thought Ming's would deal with it" said Yo turning to look back at Prem

"He is on the mend, he is good and all is fine – but I want to be sure"

"They have done a paternity test "Forth said "so may be later"

"Oh, yeah" he was thoroughly surprised "Why the hell didn't I think of it,"

Forth sighed "it was just that when Kit first spoke about it – none of us ever questioned it"

"Doesn't stop me from feeling like an idiot" Yo said, all the while he had his hands over Ming's shoulder

  "Me too buddy, me too" Forth mumbled as Yo turned his attention to Ming 

"How are you?" Yo asked him

"I don't know" Ming said, as he rested his heads in his hands and closing his face.

"She will be okay" Yo said, he then turned to Forth "Why don't you go talk to him"

Forth sighed, "Okay"

He got up and went to Prem, "I am going to get coffee – come with me."

Prem looked shaken.

"Prem" Forth called again, bringing him back to this world

"P'... " he said "She was so tiny and so beautiful" he said his voice filled with adoration and eyes so huge – for first time expressing Joy ever since Forth had met him.

What are we going to do with him? Forth thought to himself.

"But, P' – will she be able okay?" his expression immediately switched to fear "She is... is ... " he couldn't finish that statement

"How are you?" Forth asked him

He sighed "I still can't believe she could be mine... you know... someone who can be my family" he saw my expression and quickly added "Not that I want her... she is your friend's, I am not changing what I said"

"But, it is nice to know someone is there for you ... you know" he looked outside the window

Forth sighed, he liked this kid, not everyone had the guts to own up a mistake and make amends

"You still have me" Forth said

Prem's eyes really lit up "Even if she is not mine?" he voice was filled with hope "Even if you don't need me to sign the papers".... "will you still be able to forgive me?"

"I don't know if I can forgive you, now or ever – irrespective of whether you are the father or not" I sighed

"What matters is whether you forgive yourself and Kit....." I paused looking at his expression, he needed someone to help him out.

Forth decided "Whether you like it or not, you are going to have me breathing down your neck and kick your ass if you even consider falling off the wagon"

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