As days goes by

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"Well, everything is normal and congrats on completing the first four months of pregnancy without any issues" said Dr. Peechaya as she went over all the results.

"You will start showing pretty soon" she winked

"how are you feeling – any discomforts?" she asked Kit

"Nothing" he told her.

"No he is breathless at time, faints on a minute's notice and complains of backache and pain in lower abdomen" I told her stopping him in-between

"That's normal Ming" he tried to stop me midway "But, our situation is not normal – you should tell her everything, aren't you a doctor" I asked him

"That's exactly why I know what is normal and what is not" he hissed

"Oh... you guys are so cute" she smiled "But Ming, fainting and backache are normal signs of any pregnancy"

"But" started Kit, but she stopped him "Let me explain – he needs to voice out his fears and understand too"

She turned to me "as I was saying – those are normal but the breathlessness and pain in lower abdomen is because how the baby is situated inside him – we ran test to ensure normal functioning of Kit's other organs and there is nothing to worry"

"Okay, just so that he tends to downplay his pain or hide symptoms" I tried to explain feeling grateful for her clarification.

"Well, he wouldn't do that if he knows what's best for the baby or unless he is a fool" she gave me a stern look

"You two don't get to gang up on me like this" he told us, and then turned to me "you should know better now"

"Ah.. When have I ever gone against you?" I feigned innocence, and then turned to her "We are having a small gettogether this weekend at one of our friend's place – please join"

"Oh.. I don't know" she hesitated a bit

"It is at Pha's place – he is throwing me a sendoff party on behalf of the hospital staffs, you know all of us – just come" Kit said, "In fact, I just gave your email address to Pha today morning, you will get the invite soon with details"

"Hmmm, I will have to check my schedule – will try to stop by" she told us

"You are documenting everything right?" she asked Kit in a stern voice

"Yes, yes – for research and my safety I am documenting – I really do not like this team of yours" he rolled his eyes at us

I just laughed and said to her "Don't worry – I am on it" , as we got up

"Okay, see on this weekend – and call me if anything" she said as we moved out.

We both thanked her and got into the car "I wonder how you will look when you fully show?" asked Ming with a smile "Now you look like you have put on a beer belly"

I just smacked him on his head, he knows am sensitive but he just can't stop teasing

"Shut Up, before I kill you" I threatened him

"You do look lovely" he said "I love you and thanks for going through this" he now looked serious, am I not the one to go through mood swing – what's wrong with him?, I stopped and looked at him as we got into our car

"What is it?" I asked him

"Nothing, I am just happy" he said with a smile ..... I responded back "Me too, the whole thing might actually work" as I got into the car

"Drop me off at the hospital" I said as we started driving "and pass me that chocolate, I can't seem to reach the back seat"

He smiled with one hand on his wheel, he just extended his other and got the chocolate box

"Why are you so freaking long?" I whined as I took it, I just couldn't help teasing him – I was in good mood

"You are the one who is small and cute" he smirked "You love that I am tall... don't lie" he caught on

That's the truth, no denying so I just ate the Kit Kat in my hands and avoided answering, and we reached my hospital soon, I sighed "Only 6 more days – I am going to miss working"

I leaned him and kissed him full on his lips "Wow, you are happy" he smiled widely as after we broke our kiss

"Love you" I told him finally "Pick me up at 4 30, if there is any emergency I will call you", I got down and started walking as he drove away.

"Good afternoon" I wished N'Neem – the staff nurse who was part of my team as I entered, she was young, bright and so cheerful, I am going to miss you guys I thought to myself "Hello Doctor"

"You are smiling – what is wrong?" she came to me , "what?" I asked her surprised

"You have been having serious look for so long now, I thought you forgot how to be happy and I got used to you" she paused "You are happy that you are leaving aren't you?"

"No" I smiled again to her "Liar – I can see that you are so happy that you are gaining weight"

I gave her a stern look, "sorry – but it is true' she said as she walked "We are late for our rounds, and patient in room 1024 has fever, so you need to check him out?"

"His vitals?" I asked, "All normal, but there was a spike in blood pressure when you were out"

"Hmmm, let's go check him out" I said.

"Neem, we are having a party this weekend at Dr.Pha's place, please do come" I told her "Me? Really?" she asked me surprised

"Why? You have been in my team for so long" I was surprised by her reaction "Oh, thank you... thank you" she now smiled widely "I will, Dr.Pha is so damm handsome – why are all your friend good-looking?"

I just shook my head and continued with checkingup all post-op patients, as I crossed the general ward I had a feeling someonewas watching me, so I turned around but no one was there.    

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