Best Friend's Job is never EASY

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"Ming" Yo called "I know you are upset"

"That is the understatement of the year Yo" I replied back.

Kit was being treated in the room and Pha went in along with Peechaya, while I am out here not knowing what in the world is happening

"You have the right to be angry, I am not saying no" Yo paused, looking at his best friend "but you need to understand from Kit's point of view"

"Does anyone care about what I think, does anyone want to understand my point of view?"

Yo sighed, he could see that reason has left his friend alone and he needed to be snapped out of it

"Well, are you the one pregnant?

Are you the one risking his very life for the longing of his partner to have a child?

Most of all were you the one who was raped?" he was cruel, but he had to be

"If your answer to any of my question is no – then my answer is NO", his tone was downright harsh which is a rare case

That shut me up – what he said is true, I sighed but I didn't reply

"No matter what we say – if Kit needs closure, if he wants to forgive then there is nothing you or I can do about it" Yo said softly

"I am only worried about him" defended Ming

"He is strong" he paused "maybe not as physically strong as you but emotionally, he is stronger"

"I know"

"He also knows what is the best for himself and his child"

"I know"

"If you know, why are you being such a dick?''


"Yes, that is exactly what you are, so I need you to tone down and be our sensible, lovable Ming again" said Yo as he put his hands round Ming's shoulder.

"Bend down a little so I can properly comfort you, you freak" he said with a hint of smile, knowing his friend is cooling down

That bought a smile on my face, and I slumped down a bit.

"Ming, as much as Kit is hurt and scared, he is not the one to back down from facing his demons – you know and love that about him"


"What do you think , he needs the most now?"

I was silent, I knew what he needed, he needed my support and blind faith, nothing more but I couldn't bring myself to say that.

"Well, you know so I am not going to say it, forget Prem – just worry about your husband and child"

"You think am not worried, I am just scared if all this stress would hurt them"

"I know" it was Yo's turn to agree "She will be alright – she is as much as a fighter as you guys" and he paused

"I hope you are right for your sake; else you will be the one changing all diapers" he tried to lighten the mood

"I wish.... they would just let me know how things are in there" , I looked towards the door

"Promise me you will not fight with Kit over Prem anymore, especially don't be angry with him"

"When was I angry with Kit?"

"Oh, how do you think Kit saw your behavior earlier, I thought you were angry with him too"

It left me speechless, yes I was upset that he was sheltering someone who should not be allowed to even breathe the same air that Kit breathes, but I was not angry on him, I was angry for him... I sighed

"Don't go chewing my head off now, but listen to me please" paused Yo

"I am listening, aren't I?"

"Well it is about Prem"

"Not you too"

"No, But I want you to understand" he held me back as I tried to get up and move

"He is no more than a child himself, he might have matured fast given his surrounding but honestly he is just a child, like Kit said and all he needs is guidance"

"Don't tell me that we should adopt him next" I said perplexed by the notion

"No" he thought for a minute "How do I Put it"; he thought for a second "I am not saying what he did was right, but the fact is he is feeling horrible for what he did, it is in his eyes – shows he can be a better person"


"You do not have to forgive and trust him, I am asking you to forget for your sake, Kit's sake and sake of your unborn child"

"Hmmm", "How can I forget if he keeps showing his face around?" I asked

"I don't think he will after today" Yo sounded doubtful, as he was speaking Pha stepped out

"How are they?" I asked instantly getting up on my feet

"Congratulations, you were right all along - it is a baby girl" he smiled "They are both fine now"

I was relieved "Is everything normal?"

"Yes, Kit's blood pressure is back to normal and everything is fine – your daughter is fine" he emphasized again as Ming seemed to have missed the big reveal

"Wow, my daughter" he laughed out loud now and gave a bear hug to Pha, he then turned to Yo, lifted him above his head

"Are you crazy?" Yo shouted "put me down, NOW"

"Your mood swings so rapidly, I doubt if you are pregnant too!!" he hugged Ming as soon as he let him go.

Pha then turned serious "Listed, but they want him to be under observation and bed rest for couple of days" before Ming could say anything "Nothing wrong, just to confirm"

Ming nodded at his elder. "Okay, I want you to go home get some of his clothes and personal items, and then inform your parents so that they are not worried"

Pha continued "I am anyways off for a week, so I will stay with him and you, no arguments – I already spoke; we both can stay, so just do as I say"

He then turned to Yo – Forth has been calling me non-stop, let me talk to him.

"when can I see him?" shouted Ming, "Wait for Peach, she will let you know?"

"Who???" I frowned

"Dr.Peechachya, you idiot- don't tell me you never know how we called her all his time? Pha replied and walked away talking on phone to Forth

"huh?" she has always been Dr.Peechaya to me, but it never occurred to me that she might have a nick name , I didn't even know if Kit had mentioned it.

Have I been that obsessed that I never noticed anything other than the baby, and anything other than his pregnancy?

I know I can be single minded, if this was true than I really have been a dick

"Have I been really blind to everything else?" I asked Yo, if it is true then I have no right to be even angry for Kit, let alone at him.

Yo just sighed "Not your fault too"    

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