Jughead (requested)

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Anna's POV

I was walking towards my locker and I saw the gang surrounded by my locker, "hey guys, what's up?" I asked with a questioning tone. "U-uh were going to pops later at around 7:00, wanna come?" Jughead asked stuttering and looking down at the ground blushing a bit.

'That's weird, Jughead never acts like this' I thought to myself. "Ya sure" I said with a small smile. "Great" Betty said with a big smile. They all started to walk to their classes in witch Jughead had the same class as me so he just waited for me to get my books.

"Ready for English?" I asked Jughead with a grin, knowing that English is his favorite subject. "You know it" he said with a chuckle. We walked into English together, and of course Reggie had to open his stupid mouth. "Looks like Emo trash has a girlfriend that's wayyy out of his league" said Reggie with a smirk.

"Shut up Reggie like I would date anyone like you" I said with pure disgust. Reggie just shut his mouth and continued to talk to his goons. "You didn't have to do that ya know" Jughead said scratching the back of his neck. "But I did" I say looking at him with a simple smile. Yes I might have a little, ok huge crush on Jughead.

"Ok quiet down class" said mrs. Zing (yes I made it up) walking into the classroom. "Today I will be assigning partners for a project" she said looking at a pice of paper witch I was assuming was the paper with the name of partners listed on.

"Reggie and Sarah, Mike and jake, maddy and Jessie, Anna and Jughead, Lisa and Adam, and John and Cameron."

'Me and Jughead are partners yay' I thought to myself with excitement. I look at Jughead and smile. "Wanna come over after school and work on the project and then go to pops together later?" I asked pleadingly. "Ya sure I'd love to" he said with a grin. "K meet me at my locker after school" I said and walked to my next class.

*Äftêr śçhøöł*

I stood by my locker and waited for Jughead. About 5 minuets later I saw Jughead walking up to me with a smile plastered on his face. "Ready?" I ask. "Yup" he answered.

We walked out of the school and started to walk to my house.

*skip walk* (cause I'm lazy asf)

It was 6:00 and Me and Jughead were in the middle of doing our project and I started to feel hungry. "I'm gonna go get a granola bar, want one?" I asked Jughead. "Yes please" he said with a devious smile. "What did you do?" I asked a bit frightened. "Nothing" he said shrugging. "Sometimes you make me wonder" I say walking out of my room. "Well I'm glad I'm on your mind" he shouted. I just smiled and shook my head blushing.

Once I made my way to the kitchen I went to the cabinets and grabbed two granola bars. I turned around and I was face to face with Jughead. He put his hands on my sides quickly and started to tickle me. I started laughing and I noticed his one weakness his hat. I quickly gave him a kiss on his cheek and he just stared at me while blushing, I took this as an advantage and grabbed his hat off of his head and ran to my room.

"Hey!" He screeched and ran after me tackling me onto my bed and reached for his hat and I kissed him on the lips and surprisingly he kissed back until we had to break apart for air.

"I really like you Anna" Jughead said putting his forehead onto mine while panting. "I really like you too" I say giving him another quick kiss.

"Anna" He said. "Yeah" I said. "Will you be mine?" He asked with hope in his eyes. "Yes, yes a million times, yes" I said and kiss him again.

"We should get going to pops the gangs waiting" said Jughead. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot" I said with a giggle. "K let's go" I say walking out of my room and Jughead grabs my hand and inter locks his with mine while we walk out the door towards pops.

this imagine was requested by HerronsHoodie

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