its stupid - Sweet pea

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Being raised on the southside I met a lot of people, Sweet Pea, Toni and Fangs were my best friends and we hung out constantly. I always kept to myself doing Serpent jobs when needed, but I had my group of friends and didn't tend to go outside of that. Sweet Pea and I started dating about a year ago, he knows I get anxious and he knows almost everything about me. Moving to Riverdale High was one of the best things that could happen to me. I loved math and science but I always kept it to myself. I was afraid that If I told anyone they would think I didn't belong in the Southside, that I was meant to be a Northsider.

The week we moved to Riverdale high I met Jughead's girlfriend Betty, she was super sweet but not my type of person to hang out with. She seemed somewhat wary of the southside and I never saw her at the Wyrm. After the first few weeks, I started to be entrained into the culture as did all my friends. Toni was in art club, Sweet Pea did basketball, and Fangs did the plays. I, on the other hand, joined the science club. I wanted to tell everyone but I was so scared to. I could tell that Sweet Pea was starting to get suspicious of why I needed to stay after school so much. I tried telling him I needed help in math but he didn't believe me. The other night though I ended up telling him.


You bumped into Sweet Pea while he was walking out of the gym, you completely forgot that he had practice that night. "Hey baby why are you still here I thought you were going home after school" "I... I uh needed help with Math so one of the guys in my class was tutoring me" "Oh, Can I drive you to my trailer we need to talk"

"Yeah, of course, is everything okay?" "I don't know" You got on Sweet Pea's bike and arrived at his trailer. You went to the bathroom and came back out to see sweet pea sitting on the couch with his face in his hands and then he sat up rubbing his hand through his hair. "Sweets, what is going on?" Why don't you tell me Y/N" "Wha... what are you talking about" "You... after school tell me the truth" "I told you I'm getting tutored"

"Your lying, we have been friends for years and you're my girlfriend I know when you are lying. Plus I saw your math test on your desk the other day that you left out, you are amazing at math so why are you getting tutored in it. I won't be mad just tell me the truth please, I need the truth."

"I... I"

"You what?! Are you cheating on me?! Are you getting with some guy who you're tutoring! Just tell me the truth, please. You have been sneaking all over the place, sometimes on weekends I just want to know what's going on... Please" you watched as his hands fell and he leaned down disconnecting his eyes from yours. You were watching him break in front of you, you didn't want to be the one to do that to him.

"Pea... I, I'm sorry. I just, I didn't know how to tell you" "Tell me what..." "It's stupid" "Just tell me"

"I'm in the science club, I just I didn't want to tell anyone because you're all doing such cool stuff and science and math is so boring and I just thought you guys would think it was nerdy or stupid like that and I just thought if I said I was getting tutored it would be easier, but now I see that I hurt you and made you worry and I am so so sorry Sweet Pea"

"Wait. The science club!"

"I.. I know its dorky and I know doing it pushes me further from belonging in the serpents but..." "No not at all, wait don't you have to be selected to be in that?" "Yeah, I did a project and submitted it which got me selected, we compete on the weekends at competitions"

"Baby you, you're amazing. Being into science or math is not dorky it's fucking phenomenal. You liking science and math doesn't mean you don't belong. I am so sorry you were afraid to tell me. I wish you had told me sooner I would have been there at your competitions. Hey come here" He pulled me into a hug and I apologized for lying but everything was fine between us again. I soon realized that lying or hiding wouldn't get me anywhere.

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