Sorry-archie andrews

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You don't really even remember why you were pissed off at Archie, but all you felt was anger towards him. It might've been how he hadn't hung out with you over the summer like you planned or the way he treated Betty during and after the dance. Your heart still ached for your friend, knowing what it was like to carry an affection for Archie Andrews. Your feelings for him were perhaps deeper than Betty's, but you remained silent about them for her sake and your own sanity. Admitting that you like your best friends was not on of your priorities, especially after blowing up in his face. The fight was hardly one sided though, he had said some things and you left before he could make anything worse. The fight occurred around a three days ago now, but it stung not having your friend around you now.
Like normally, Archie would walk with you to pick up food from the diner, but you were currently walking down the road alone. It wasn't dark out quite yet, but your hunger and the fear of being out too late made you walk a bit faster. You soon got to the diner, walking through the door and being hit in the face by the wonderful smell of food. Walking up to the counter, you recited your order number to Pop who went into the kitchen to fetch your meal. Soft music played through the diner and you looked over at the old jukebox to see Archie making his way towards you. You looked down at your hands and groan internally. You weren't ready to talk to him just yet, you were still angry. He was about a foot away from you and he leaned against the countertop. "Y/N, can we," you looked up at him and he stumbled over his words, "can we talk, please?" You swallowed hard, his tone sounded remorseful but his body language made it seem like he was on edge. "No, not right now," you murmured, looking towards the kitchen door, silently begging for Pop to come back soon. "Y/N I need to tell you," you shot him a glance, your gaze meeting with his. "Here's your order Y/N! Enjoy!" You turned to Pop, handing him the money and grabbing your bag. "Thanks Pop," you giving him a smile and you turned to walk out of the diner. "Bye, Archie," you muttered, pushing the door open. The cool late afternoon air hits your face and you start walking home. As you were walking, your heard the door open once more and the pattering a feet running towards you. You didn't even have to turn around to know that it was Archie. 

"Y/N please!" You halted, spinning around to face him. "Please what, Archie?! Listen to you, I think I heard you pretty well last time." You met his gaze and you could see the hurt on his face. A part of you felt sorry, but the other overpowered you with anger. "Yeah, but last time you walked away before I could apologize," his voice wasn't loud or harsh as you expected. It was soft, as if hoping you'd forgive him. "I'm sorry, for everything," he said taking a step towards you. "I'm sorry that I wasn't around over summer and I'm sorry I never called. I'm so sorry that I hurt Betty, but I couldn't just lie to make her happy." There was little space separating you now, but you didn't notice, you were too caught up in his apology. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell Betty that I love her like that, because I love you too much to lie to myself, let alone her." Your heart beat faster at his words and the feeling of his hand holding yours didn't help that.
He took a breath, looking into your eyes, "But I'm not sorry about telling you that." You were entranced by his brown eyes and despite the shock, you accepted each word. With his free hand, he cups your cheeks, pulling your lips to his. All of your pent up thoughts and feelings for and about Archie poured out into that kiss, so when your lips parted, a weight was off your shoulders.

"Don't be sorry about that," you whispered and Archie chuckled. "I couldn't be even if I tried." You grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers now and he walked you the rest of the way home. You didn't live that far from Pop's, but you and Archie seemed to talk for hours. At least it felt that way, but before you realized it, you were back home. "I'll see you tomorrow, Archie," you said as you let go of his hand reluctantly. He gave you a boyish smile and grabbed your hand again, pulling you to him one last time. "I love you," he said again and you smiled. "I love you too." he let you go then, watching as you disappeared in your house. He didn't feel too sorry anymore.


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