Every pea-sweet pea

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Okay, so Every-Day Sweet Pea is the Sweet Pea you first met, the Sweet Pea that most people think of when they hear his name. As a boyfriend, this Sweet Pea is very attentive and somehow always seems to be near you, but not in a clingy way. This Sweet Pea loves to hang out with his few selected friends, but also needs time alone with you to just be a couple, he loves hanging out at The Whyrm and Pop's, he just wants to be around his friends and girlfriend. This Sweet Pea have a pretty normal sex-drive, he's not constantly all over you, but he won't ever turn you down, and is always up for a round. This Pea prefers sex in either of your beds, couch if you're alone, and sometimes the shower, and he just want you to feel good and have fun.

Tired Sweet Pea is honestly a piece of work, but he's also very cute, so you can't really be to sick of him ever, you know? He gets very needy when he's tired, he want you to focus on him, and just him, and with his 6.4 frame and very persistent personality, it's hard to ignore him. He will lie in your lap, drape himself over your shoulders, and if none of that works, he'll wrap around you like a fricking vine. Tired Pea is not usually up for sex, but if he is, it's strictly in bed or on a couch, and usually you're on top and he falls asleep so fucking fast after. 

The worst kind of Pea, is Jealous Sweet Pea. It might sound hot and flattering, but it's just not. The things is that he trusts you so much, so for him to get jealous it takes someone being way out of line over you, and that means neither you or Sweet Pea is left in a good mood. He will try his best to get you out of the situation as fast as possible, because he knows you don't like it when he fights, and he also knows that if he doesn't get you out of a situation like this he will end up fighting. You usually never have sex when he's still jealous, but sometimes you do when he calms down a bit, but that's more the passionate version of him, and we'll get to him later. 

Sweet Pea in mornings is a dream if you have time to enjoy him, and a nightmare if you don't. This boy loves his sleep, and he sleeps hard. Trying to get him up for school is basically impossible, not just because he's tired and don't want to, but because you're also tired and would rather stay in bd, and he's very good at trying to get you to stay with cuddles and cuteness and force. It ends up with you having to set your alarm 15 minutes earlier, just so you have time to wake him and get him up. When you can actually stay in bed tho, it's perfect. You'll just end up in a big pile of blankets and pillows and limbs and talk in hushed voices and cuddle and play with each others hair and be in peace. Morning sex with Sweets is very slow and intense, lots of sloppy kisses and whispers in each others ears, hair tugging and your nails dug into his back and his hands groping your hips. 

Grumpy Sweet Pea sounds worse than it really is. The thing about grumpy Pea is that it's far between angry and grumpy, and thank godess for that. When he's grumpy it's usually because of something at school getting on his nerves, him not feeling on top of things, or a silly fight with Fangs, and he'll need to vent so bad. You know very well that the best you can do for a grumpy Pea is to let him lie with his head in your lap and vent while you play with his hair and just listen to him, before you get him something to eat, preferably take-out from Pop's, which you'll eat in bed or cuddled up on the couch watching old sitcoms, and maybe you'll end the day with a bath or shower together, and he'll almost always want to thank you properly during that, if you know what I mean ;))) 

Another rare one is Hyped Sweet Pea, and even tho this one is a lot of fun, that's probably for the best. This Sweet Pea is like a whirlwind, and it takes quite a bit for him to come out, like the time he got on the basketball team and Reggie didn't, or when either of you ace a test you thought you failed, or when you're going to do something he's been looking forward to for a long time. He also gets more easily hyped when it comes to you and your life, and you adore that about him. He has a tendency to be a bit contagious like this tho, and Fangs usually gets caught up in it, and they're like two giant, wild, bouncy balls just exploding with laughter and friendly punches that ends up a little harder than planned, sometimes drinks are involved, and even tho it's a fun ride, it always ends up with a hungover and Fangs and Sweet Pea having so many "bro-bruises" (yes, they call them that...) on their upper bodies. 

The last one for today is Passionate Sweet Pea, and that's an amazing one. Sometime it happens if you do or say something he finds especially amazing, and sometimes it just happens when he looks at you and he realizes how lucky he is to have you, and he gets this need to show you how much he loves you, now. If you're in public he'll always have an arm around your shoulder, squeezing your shoulder a little when he talks, kissing your face a lot, play with your hair, give you heart eyes a lot, and find a way to work you and something about you into every conversation. If you're alone, he'll want you, and he'll want you now. He has ruined more than one piece of clothing in eagerness when this happens, and even if you're upset right away, you always forget it before you're done. He'll be all about deep kisses, deep thrusts and constant touches, rough and sweet at the same time, always keepings his hands on your body, rocking you against him and keeping you close. He'll allow himself to be louder than usual, and wants you to enjoy yourself so much that he doesn't care who hears what you're doing. This Sweet Pea is not one to fall asleep right after, he'll want to cuddle and talk and just be close to you for as long as possible when he's like this, and it happens more often that he'll ever admit to that he likes to stay awake and just watch you sleeping peacefully. 

Credit: tumblr:)

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