Part 4: Storytime

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                September 1716

"Land ho!" One of the crew exhaled. Edward heard it from the bed in his cabin, and he had just awoken from his slumber.

The previous night he had a bad dream, and he didn't really want to think about it at all. Staying in bed would only prolong the thought and on top of that it was time to go. The Captain pulled himself out of his bed, the weight of the mattress shifted to one side as he did, making the annoying squeak as usual.

Edward then went to the table and proceeded to wear his robes and gear.
First the robes and boots, then his two cutlasses and finally his flintlocks.

He went for the door, and as soon as he did, a huge glare of the sun met his gaze. In front of him stood Ade, who seemed to be cleaning up some leftover gunpowder misplaced on deck.

"Ahoy Ade," Edward greeted warmly, covering his vision slightly with his right hand.

Ade smiled, "Morning Captain Kenway," He greeted, "Weather is clear and calm, and we're about to near the coast of Nassau."

Adewale handed over Edward a spyglass, and Kenway walked to the bow, opening his tool to look over Nassau.

They were now really close to the coast of the island, with the water turning a lighter shade of blue as the sand neared the keel.

"All stop!" Edward orders, "Get those sails down and prepare to weigh anchor lads!"

The crew follow his orders, with fishes of men scurrying about the deck preparing to tie the sails and drop the anchor.

Around Edward, many of the crew were working on the damaged ship. Some were carving and building new parts of the ship, such as parts of the broken mainmast. Others were repairing the splinter filled deck, with scrapes of wood on the deck from the cannonballs.

They were going to repair the Jackdaw in Nassau, while anchored. Nassau had plenty of resources and building material from the many stores there. Edward was also going to send the wounded to be tended off-shore.

The Jackdaw was in a bad state, and unless they wanted to sink, they had to repair here.

When Edward was walking around deck, overlooking the process of repair, his eyes glanced over to shore.
They were near the coast now and were anchored. On shore, he noticed two familiar faces.

There on the beach, sat James Kidd, and Edward Thatch. The two were on shore, around a burned out campfire. Kidd seemed to be doing nothing but reading an old book, while Thatch seemed to be occupied with his drinking habits.

The crew unloaded onto the small transport boats the Jackdaw held inside of her, and loaded the crew and the wounded onshore. Some officers were left onboard to assure the ship would stay.

Edward along with Ade made it onshore, where the walked up to Thatch and Kidd, who now seemed to take notice of the pirate captain and his quartermaster.

"Ahoy, Kidd! Thatch!" Edward greets, giving a small wave in the distance.

"Ahoy Kenway!" Kidd says in the distance, looking to them raising his voice,"Ahoy Ade!"

Kidd seemed to take the hint of their presence, however Thatch was a different story. He was knocked out completely by the amount of alcohol and booze he had drunk.

Edward had taken great notice into this, he swore that man could hold his liquor greater than the ship holding in water.

Edward and Ade were now with the others, and the two sat down on some wooden log used as a seat.

The End's Meeting - (AC4) (Rewrites)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora