Part 24: Contracts

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Edward watches as the tall masts of the Queen Anne's Revenge disappear into the horizon, with it's shape sinking in the blue sea. He stood on the beach, with his hands slightly above his eyebrows to cover the bright light of the sun. It was a warm day, and the sun seemed a lot larger than normal to the eye, although most likely, it hasn't changed size.

The sea was calm, with the waves dim. It was refreshing to not sea the sea so choppy, as it normally usually is.

Behind him, Mary was holding his waist, hugging him tight behind him while closing her eyes. She was clutching to him like a loving baby koala, with her hair and head slightly laying in Edward's back shoulder. 

She wasn't going to let him go, not now, not ever. Mary promised him on that night, and he had promised her.


"Edward, could I ask you something?" Mary looks at an awakened Edward, when both were sleeping in the hut.

"Yes..Mary," He replies calmly, gently stroking her soft hair, and she smiles, "What is it you need?"

Mary pauses to put her words correctly, "I..." She pauses, "Could you make me a promise?" She asks.

Edward turns to completely face her gaze, and he looks up to her with curious eyes. He was wondering what promise she wanted.

"What promise?" He asks curiously, looking up to Mary with glass eyes.

"Promise me, you won't leave me?" Mary asks calmly demandingly.

Mary doubt she could handle another heartbreak, or another incident much like her husband George's. Her vision of George on the beach ruined her on that day and night, but she managed to regret her decision and the two worked it out, rather dramatically to be blunt.

"I can't handle another one, it's..." She pauses, with her voicing sounding pleadful, "It would be too much...for me..."

She was trying not to cry again, because thus far, she's been a wet wreck on all of her emotional moments. It was beginning to get repetitive.

"Don't worry," Edward replies, "I won't leave me..." He chuckles lightly, "I know too much about leaving..." He sounds reassuring.

"Don't break it..." She warns, and Edward laughs.

"Mary, don't wor-"

"Don't...break it," Mary warns again, this time her voice sounded demanding.

"Okay, I won't Mary..." He replies gently.

"Promise me?"

"I promise you..."

"Is Thatch gone?" Mary asks whispering to him in a soothing tone. She felt relaxed in her embrace with Edward.

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