Chapter 1

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Lola is a 19 years old and She has blond hair blue eyes, She is 5ft 6inch tall and she is skinny but curvey at the same time. Lola is moving into a house with her aunt Jayne and the boy band The Wanted that Jayne manages. Lola is moving into the house with the boys because she is out of control and her mum has kicked her out of the house.

Jayne: "Lola the boys are coming soon can you put some more clothes on please"

Lola: "No i'm going into the pool I'm wearing my red bikini and I'm not putting some more clothes on"

Jayne: "Lola please don't be dificult, I love you and I want you to start listening to me, your mum kicked you out of the house because you was difficult and I told her that you can change and you can change"

Lola: "Mum hates me and I hate her she cheated on dad and her new boyfreind hates me"

At that moment Lola jumps into the swimming pool

Jayne: "Lola!"

The door bell goes

Jayne: "I'll get the door"

Jayne goes and gets the door and she lets the boys in.

Tom: "Love the house Jayne how many rooms dose it have?

Jayne: "It has seven room and my niece is staying with us for a while so i don't want you to walk around the house naked"

Nathan: "Why haven't we meet her?"

Jayne: "She's trouble and she's in the pool you can meet her after you have upacked"

Jayne takes them to there rooms and Jayne leaves them to unpack. Jayne goes back into the garden.

Jayne: "Lola the boys are here"

The boys walk into the garden

Lola: "I don't really care, they are good singers and they are cute and all but...."

Nathan interupts

Nathan: "But?"

Lola: "I wont be here long to get to know them"

Tom: "Why wont you be here long?"

Lola: "Jayne will kick me out soon"

Max: "Why would she?"

Lola: "Because I'm a bad girl"

Lola gets out of the pool

Lola: "Bye the way I'm Lola, anyone want a hug"

Jayne: "Leave them alone Lola"

Lola: "What I was only going to hug them"

Jayne: "Your soaking wet and you will get them wet"

Lola: "In what way?"

Tom, Max, Nathan and Jay laugh

Siva: "Lola you so rude minded"

Lola: "Got a problem with that?"

Lola gives Siva a glare

Jayne: "Lola leave them alone and go and start cooking lunch"

Lola: "What I told you I'm going out and Make your own lunch"

Jay: "Don't talk to Jayne like that"

Lola storms of to her room.

Nathan P.O.V

That girl Lola is so beautiful but so mean at the same time. I love the way she got out the pool she looked so sexy. I love her red painted nails and her red bikini. I love they way her hair falls and those blue eyes just kill me. The ways she walks it like she trying to seduce me and I think it is working.

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