Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV


Finally, I get to go home and rest.

But it's Thursday, ugghhh, just one more day.

I start making my way home. Wait a minute. I pause my steps. I have detention, don't I? Ugh... that stupid boy! It's all because of him. Why didn't he get detention? He deserves it more than I do.

I turn back around and walk back to the school and into the detention room. There's only one other person, a guy, someone I didn't recognize. He's sitting in the very back row, on the far right. He has his head down.

I don't want to sit at the front and I definitely don't want to sit next to somebody I don't know. So, naturally, I sat down at the desk on the far left in the back.

You're not allowed to have your phones out in detention, which means less time that I get to talk with my friends. I should just be homeschooled, honestly. I met all of my friends at our private middle school in Yongin. But, they all went to a high school in Busan and I attended one in Seoul.

Even now, we still all chat in the same group chat we've had since grade seven, and we're now in grade ten, and it's just as crazy as it's always been.

I'm really thankful for them because they're my only friends. Before someone made that group chat, I can't exactly say I had any friends. And now in my prestigious high school I still don't have anyone who really wants to talk to me. I'm not bullied, though, which is a good thing. But I do have this strong feeling that blooms in the pit of my soul and grows vines throughout my body, planting seeds in my brain, telling me that nobody likes me. I didn't even believe that my own friends liked me for a while, but they've stayed long enough for me to know they really care.

There is one person at this school, though, who cares enough to notice me, but all he does is annoy me. He flirts, all the time. He sits right in front of me in class. He often turns around when he's bored and talks to me, and anything he says turn into something flirty. And he winks a lot. It really annoys me and he knows it. It gets so hard to work sometimes. I mean, I don't hate him, I find it very difficult to hate people, but he does get very close to crossing the line.

Today he kept talking to me and as I was trying to get him to be quiet, the teacher caught me talking and now I'm here. In detention.

I didn't even notice that in the midst of my thought rant I had subconsciously taken out my sketchbook and started drawing.

What I had drawn was somewhat... beautiful. Beautiful being something visually appealing. But when I look at it deeper, I get an uneasy feeling. I checked the time.

Yes! Only 20 minutes left! But, how did I draw this in that amount of time?

What was depicted was a person drowning in colors of blue, purple, red, orange, and black, reaching up for the yellow area above the surface. The person had yellow in their lungs, they breathed happiness. They were smiling, but the smile wasn't genuine. The mixed colors were creeping up their legs, taking over the grey person.

"Whoa..." a voice says.

You were too sucked into being impressed by your own artwork that you didn't notice the other person had moved his stuff to the desk next to yours and even moved the chair to sit right next your desk, and stare at the masterpiece.

He snaps out of trance.

"Oh! Sorry! I didn't-"

"It's fine," you cut him off and giggle a little, awkwardly.

You close the book and put your head down on top of it, looking out the windows on the right side of the room. He stayed still, staring at you. You could feel his eyes burning into yours. He didn't blink. You turned your head to face him.

"Hm?" you asked, raising your eyebrows.

He shook his head a little and blinked a few times.

"Ah, ah, sorry, what?"

"Why were you staring?"

"Ah... umm," he was reluctant to ask,"Are you Y/n? Kang Y/n?"

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