Chabter 17

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Y/n's POV

The next day when Jungkook and I were walking to school he handed me a pink bag. Inside was a bunch of Girdell chocolate, all my favorite kinds.

"Wait but Jungkook, you said you were allergic to chocolate."

"I am, but I still want you to be able to enjoy it."

"Aww, thank you."

Is being allergic to chocolate even a real thing?

The rest of the walk was peaceful, as was the school day. Jimin hasn't bothered me recently, which is a surprise. It's like he's not even there anymore. I haven't been messaging my friends as much and I miss them, but I guess it's fine since I get to see them on spring break soon.

The walk home was comfortably quiet until Jungkook spoke up.

"So... any plans for spring break?"

"I'm going to visit my friends in Busan!" I answered excitedly.

"Wait, really? Jimin and I are going to visit our families in Busan!" He said, getting excited.

"Really?! We can ride the train together! And I won't be lonelyyyyy!" Jungkook chuckled at me dragging out the last syllable.

I tried to ignore the fact that he said Jimin is going too, so I'll have to spend 3 hours on a train with Jimin, but at least I won't be alone.

Now I'm home, and finally have time to message my friends again, uninterrupted.

I tell them everything, and realize how my life the past few days has pretty much just been spent with Jungkook. He makes me happy though.

My friends, of course, reacted hugely when I told them he asked me out, and when I told them he's also going to Busan over spring break.

"It's meant to be," they said.

And they asked the obvious question...

"Have you two kissed yet?"

We haven't. And although it would be my first kiss, and I've done everything to protect it, for some reason I would feel okay giving it to him. So why hasn't he kissed me yet?

Is it also his first?

I return to my old routine. Spending hours in my room doing nothing but texting, texting through dinner, not paying any attention to the conversation happening around me, until I hear some words that catch my interest.

The News is on, and everyone is paying close attention to it. Scientists have discovered a new planet, and think they have found proof of it being inhabited by living creatures.

I've always been interested in aliens. It's something I keep to myself, but I always thought that if space goes on forever, there must be other life out there. I'm not an alien nerd, but I'm still very interested in them.

Suddenly Ayeon speaks up.

"So Y/n, what do you think they're gonna name the new planet?"

"I dunno, Earth X2?"

The whole family starts throwing out strange names for the new planet. We find this really entertaining.

"Spherical Nutella Squash"

"Dirt Round"

"Dirt Roundical"

"Puppy Planet 201"

It's weird things like this that bring our family together. I don't know if this is normal or not, but I like it, and at least I'm off my phone.

"What do you think the aliens look like?" Mom asks.

"They probably look the same as us, but are TWICE the size."

"Nah, I bet they have blue skin."

"Well I bet they look like a bunch of goop."

"What if they're just walking trees? Like Grut from Soldiers of the Universe."

The conversation continues until we all decide to go to bed. Except I don't actually go to bed I stay up another few hours texting.

You can call me a phone addict, but you can't fix me.


I am so SO sorry this took so long. I guess I've just been in a slump or something but then when I actually finished writing it it wasn't long enough and I wanted my sister to read it before I published it. Thanks for waiting anyway💜

Also I called it "Chabter" in spirit of iHob.

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