Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

I finish typing a message to the group chat and get up to greet Mom and Dad at the door. 'Welcome home', 'how are you', and all that good stuff to see if they're in a good mood.

"So Mom... Would it be possible... for you to let me visit my friends in Busan over spring break?" I say with a slightly higher pitch than normal.

"Yeah, yeah, sure honey," she says in a dazy tone.

She might be really tired right now but I'll just hope she remembers she said that.

Crazy Kids

Hey guys I just asked mom if
i could come to busan for
spring break

She said yes!!

Bella: WOO






Nobody says anything for like another five minutes so I decide it's time to go to bed.


I wake up and blink my eyes a few times.

Has Jungkook messaged me?

I pick up my phone and the charger falls. I click the power button and unlock the phone.

2 unread messages

I tap on the notification.


I click on the conversation to open the messages.



I'm at the park and it's
really boring alone

wanna come visit me?

11:29? It's 11:31 now. That was only two minutes ago...

I type back a short 'sure' and start getting ready.

I put on some basic clothes and makeup and walk to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Ayeon questions me, not looking up from her online class.

"The park," I reply, trying to seem nonchalant.

"Is that so? You want me to drive you?"

Well it is a 40 minute walk, and driving would shorten that to five.


She closes her laptop and gets up to grab her keys off the hook.

"Let's go then."

We walk out the front door together and ride in her car to the local park.

"So the reason I'm going to the park..." I start.

"You're seeing him, right?" she guesses the end of my sentence.

I nod my head shyly, but say "Yep," quietly after noticing she can't see me when she's focused on the road.

"Awww, my little sister is growing up," she coos.

"Ayeon he's just a friend!"

"Mmmmhm. Sure," she says, not believing. "Anyways we're here."

She turns into a parking spot and I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Thanks Ayeon! See you later!" I say, opening the door.

"See ya!" she says and I close the door.

I back up into the grass and wave her goodbye as she drives away.

"Hiiii Y/nnnn," I hear from far away. Jungkook is walking towards me from the gate of the park.

"Hey, Jungkook."

He gets close enough to me to grab my hand and start running into the park. My small purse bounces around from the action and I have to hold it with my right hand since Jungkook has his grip on my left.

He starts to slow down and walks the rest of the short distance to the swings.

"Want me to swing you?" he offers.

"Sure," I shyly answer and sit down on one of the middle swings.

He pushes me a little bit at first but eventually he has to back up because I'm swinging so high.

I close my eyes and let the wind blow through my hair.  It feels like I'm flying. I can imagine myself in the sky.

But I have to open my eyes when I feel Jungkook grab the chains and stumble on the ground. I dig my foot in the sand to help him slow me down. He sits on the swing next to me.

"Y/n... I need advice on something."

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