Chapter 18

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Jintro Special

Y/n's POV(What day is it?)

The next day when Jungkook and I walked to school neither of us talked, but the silence was a little more uncomfortable than usual so I had to break it.

"So..." I tried to think of a topic. "Did you here about the new planet?"

"WHAT?" He responded, shocked.

"Well I wouldn't exactly say new, but scientists recently discovered a planet they believe may have life."

He didn't respond, just looked into the distance, one could say... Jungshook.

I laughed at his reaction.

When we got to school he dropped me off at my classroom before walking to his own.

Help me he's so perfect.

With spring break coming up, our teachers didn't really put much effort into the lesson(thank god) and at some point one of the teachers just gave us free time(I wish my teachers were like this).

I got my phone out and started to text people, as if that wasn't obvious, and noticed Jimin wake up his seat partner.

I kept to myself, but I thought I heard my name in looked up, only to be met with the beautiful eyes of Jimin's seat partner. I'm loyal to Jungkook, but this man entranced me.

Jimin hit his chest with the back of his hand, seemingly telling him to stop, and he reached his hand out to me.

"I'm Jin."

I take his hand and shake it, now back to my normal state.

"I'm Y/n."

"I know."

"What?" I ask, taken aback.

"Jungkook talks about you all the time. My child, he's all grown up." He sniffles.

"Oh," I laugh. "I have a question."


"Why do you always sleep in class?"

"My boyfriend is in a different time zone so I stay up late talking to him."



He blushed a little and turned back around.

Nothing special happened the rest of the day. Jungkook keeps being awkward around me. I have no idea what's going on with him. Every idea I come up with isn't something possible, except him cheating on me, which I don't even want to think about.

I keep messaging my friends, who are overly excited to see me again AND meet my boyfriend who is conveniently visiting his family in the same city. Jimin is tagging along though, which I'm not as excited about, but maybe we'll bond on the trip.

I got home, ate dinner, texted my friends til 3 in the morning, bla, bla, bla. Nothing was special about the day. It was really boring, like my life before I met Jungkook.

But something is going on with him.

I'm so sorry y'all I have writer's block but I'm trying my best. This chapter is so short, I really wish I could write more. I'm thinking about just making story move along cause honestly this was mostly just a filler aND I WANTED TO FREAK OUT ABOUT THE JINTRO IT WAS SO GOOD OMG I CAN'T BUT LIKE DUDE IT'S MY NEW FAVORITE SONG I CANT BREATHE

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