Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV

It's been a while.

I don't know if I have the rights to say this, considering I haven't known him that long, but Jungkook is acting weird.

Spring break starts in two days and I haven't started packing for Busan. I need to see if Jungkook wants to ride the train together. And if we do, it would be really awkward, especially with Jimin there.

I can't wait to see my friends again, but in the meantime I'm sitting in class. My work is all finished so I have nothing to do except play on my phone. No one is active right now so I just play some random game on my phone called Ideal.

It's been a while since I last talked to Jungkook.

I mean, really talked to him. Of course there's the occasional 'hello' or 'how are you.' But ever since we realised that we were both going to Busan over spring break, he's been really distant.

For someone who always seemed so cheerful and talkative before, his sudden wordlessness struck me as a bit off. Maybe I haven't known him long enough, and maybe he just has little periods where he doesn't want to talk to anyone. But it's kind of frustrating, how everytime I try to start a conversation, he cuts it short.

"Hey Jungkook!"

Huh? Oh. Speak of the devil, think his name and he shall appear.

I look up and see him walking my way, but I can't tell if he's here for me or Jimin.

He stops by his best friend, making me a little upset, but it's whatever.

He talks about the trip, and he never even looks at me. It's like when Cady saw Regina kiss her crush. Or when Ross saw his best friend with his sister. I felt betrayed. And I couldn't help but to think;

Did he get tired of me? Did he send a breakup text I never received? Did I do something wrong? Why is he ignoring me-

"Are you riding the train with us?" Jungkook asked, looking at me with his chocolate eyes.


"I'd like to."

He smiled at me then, with dusty pink cheeks.

"So do you wanna go in the morning or later in the afternoon?"

"The afternoon."

"Then it's decided, 4 o'clock on Saturday?" Kookie says to both me and Jimin.

"Sounds good," I say and he leaves.

Why did he come in the middle of class?

My phone buzzes



I miss you

I miss you too


My hEarT

Help meeeee

The school day lasts forever, as does the rest of the week, waiting for Saturday to arrive. I enjoy the pain of waiting. To see my friends again. After forever.


I'm gonna watch a drama. Something romantic, something more dramatic than my boring life, something exciting.

My Love from Another Planet? I guess.

One day. Just one day til I get to see my friends again. I can't wait that longgggg.

Spring break started yesterday and I haven't done anything except eat and watch TV. I still need to pack.

Dresses and t-shirts and polos, oh god. I don't know what I'm going to want to wear this whole trip. I should probably just wear sneakers, considering I'll probably be walking a lot.

I'm excited to stay with Bella. She always has the best snacks. Like cherry pie. Or warm cookies. Or a beautiful buttercream frosted cake. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Warm, golden pancakes with dark, melted chocolate that melts in your mouth-


I'm too excited.

I'm so excited I just throw random clothes in my suitcase.

Ugh I need to calm down.

Sorry for taking TWO MONTHS I couldn't figure out my writer's block and school is SO hard. I literally have like six hours of homework every night. I'll try harder for the next chapter I promise💜💜💜

But have you guys heard Waste it on me? AND MONO IS SO GOOD OMG

P.S. thanks for 2k!!!😊💕

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