Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV

After the song ended, we kept dancing while YouTube autoplayed music. We got so comfortable with each other that I ended up moving my arms to around his neck, and his around my waist. My head rests on his chest, comfortably.

I hear the door creak open, and lift my head up to see a teacher I don't recognize walk in.

"Oh, you guys know you were free to go ten minutes ago, right?"

I look up at the clock.

"Crap!" I immediately let go of him and run over to my stuff, packing everything away and waiting for Jungkook to walk out together.

"You didn't have to wait for me."

"Eh, I felt like it."

"So you aren't gonna be on your phone on our walk home?"

"Maybe, if it gets boring."

"No, no. It won't get boring, I promise."

"I bet," I said sarcastically.

"If you take your phone out I'll take it away again."

"You can't do that!"

"I did yesterday, of course I can do it again."

I can't respond, so instead I just give a pity face.

"Aww, you're too cute, he says, squishing my cheeks."

"Hey! Stop that," I said, still pouting.

"Fine, fine."

We walk in a comfortable silence out of the school gates, towards our houses.


"Hm?" he hums.

"How did you get so confident to, uhh, dance... with me... even after singing?"

"Easy, I know I'm a good singer."

Huh? But didn't he..?

"Didn't you say you were a bad singer though?"


"You are so confusing."

"At least I'm not annoying."

"Who says you're not?"



"Whenever you want to say it."

I can't respond, I'm just left walking next to him, taking double his steps, with my mouth hanging open for bugs to fly in.

"You're a good dancer."

"Pfft, says who."

"Me, right now."

He grabs my hand and twirls me around. Being completely honest, I'm doing my best to hold back my blush. This is the most romantic day of my life.

"You wanna do something this weekend?" Jungkook asked me.

"Like, just the two of us?

"Sure, why not?"

"Do you actually not understand? Or are you just playing with me?"

"Girls and guys can be... friends."

"What's up with that, you always hesitating to say friends?"

"Just ignore it."

I'm starting to think he likes me. Wait a minute...

"What did you draw earlier?"

"Nothing really, I didn't get any creativity."

"You sure about that?"

Something is really up with him.

"Yeah," he responded.

What if he actually likes me? But in the two days I've known him? Unless he has felt this way since fourth grade, which is extremely unlikely. What is going on with this kid? Crap. Why am I wondering? I shouldn't be curious. Do I like him? I don't start liking people until I've known them for a while though. What's happening to me?

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