Chapter 13

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I wake up the next morning and my mind immediately sets on thoughts from the day before.

Did that really happen? What could he be hiding?

I lay in bed for a few more minutes, not moving, thinking about yesterday.

COULD HE READ MINDS?! Nah... that's too far-fetched.

Okay but my feelings for him grew fast. I've never fell for someone that quick before.

I hear someone yelling from outside. I grab my phone and walk up to the roof, as both of those things have become habit to me.

When I get there the first thing I see is Jungkook yelling my name out his open window.

I feel my face heat up and I look down at my phone to send an angry message.


What are you doing??!

I look up and see him look to his side, probably getting the notification. He quickly types a message back and looks at me to giggle.


Yelling your name to
get your attention

It worked
I. Love. Him. So. Ducking. Much.

Why do I love someone so much?

"Look what I found!" he yells to me and leaves his window. I wait for a while, watching his window, until I detect motion in my peripheral vision. In my backyard.

He waves at me.

Startled, I run back through the house to the backyard.

I walk up to him and he shows me a gate that connects our houses.

"Now we don't have to walk all the way around the block to go to each other's houses!"

He seems so excited. I can't help but to smile endearingly.

He's like a little kid.

"Hey Jungkook..." I say looking down.

"Hm?" He rocks on his feet

"When are you gonna be able to tell me your secret?"

He sighs, and looks sad.

"I don't know but I wish I didn't have to keep things from you."

He grabs my hands.

"We're supposed to be together."

He looks into my eyes.

How is he so smooth? He doesn't even seem nervous or teasing when he says things like this. And he's so perfect. Just look at him. Why did he choose me?

"You're just so pretty and kind and I just- I've suffered without you at school these few years."

"I-I... I don't know what to say."

Neither of us say anything.  It's silent for a while.

"Y/n do you remember Bongcha?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you remember how she used to treat me?"

"Jungkook you're gonna make me sad."

"Do you remember how you saved me everytime? I missed you when we went to different middle schools. I've never met someone else like you."

I can't believe this. He's standing in front of me, confessing his feelings, again, but won't even tell me why we can't be together. He's breaking my heart.

"You don't have to respond," he tells me.

Moments like this, they last. Every minute feels like 24 hours. He pours heart out to me and I don't have to say anything back. I really want to, but I can't vocalize my thoughts right now.

He puts his forehead on mine and sighs.

"I really wish you could be mine, Y/n"

Wow finally a new chapter. It probably sucks but I haven't updated in a really long time so I had to😁

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