Waking Up To The Unknown... Again!!!

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Waking Up To The Unknown... Again!!!

I woke up groggily and started to look around me. The constant thought running through my head was where am I and what happened?

"Grace?" Someone said roughly beside me but I couldn't quite place the voice. "Darling?" A hand came on my shoulder and I slowly opened my eyes. "How are you feeling?" Said the stranger and his question confused me.

Why wouldn't I be ok? What-? "Oh my God." I opened my eyes fully and saw Dimitri standing over me with a concerned look on his face and it all came flooding back to me... Again.

I sat up straight intending to run for the door but my head swam with dizziness. "Woah woah. Easy just settle down and relax." He moved my head to the side and inspected my neck and I remembered Damien sinking his fangs into me as I ran for Lucy.

"Lucy?" I asked feebly and rubbed my head.

"She's safe with Gregory." He murmured and stroked my hair away from my face.

"Who the hell is Gregory?" I demanded pushing his hand away from me.

"The guy who took her." His tone began to have a sharp edge seep into it. "So why don't you concentrate on yourself getting better instead of worrying over someone who is in better health than you?!"

Why was I even listening to this jerk? I levelled my gaze with him and shut all my emotions off to him, which was easier knowing that Lucy was safe. "Why don't you do what you do best and walk away from me?" My tone held no emotion whatsoever and his own face turned into a snarl.

"Learn your place quickly around here darling or you're going to find yourself in a bigger mess then you're already in." He hissed and headed for the door.

"Dimitri?" I asked politely.

"Yes?" He turned around.

"Don't call me darling and never ever try to threaten or intimidate me. It won't end well for you 'darling'." I sneered and he stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him with a loud bang.

An applause rang out from beside me and, startled, I turned around and found Damien sitting there with an amused smirk on his face. Had he been there the whole time?

"You really are a feisty one aren't you." He commented almost to himself and stood up holding his hand out to me. "Come." He said simply. "Let me show you the castle." I stared at his hand and the thought of Dimitri popped up into my head. The look he gave me as he left me screaming for his help. No emotion.

I grabbed Damien's hand, to his shock, and allowed him to pull me up from the bed. "You're a constant mystery to me." He murmured and seemed to shake himself. "I shall wait for you outside."

Wait! What? "What do you mean you'll wait outside?"

"While you change of course." He said as if it was a daft question.

"What for?" Was I missing something here?

"You're clothes are not respectable enough as they are and I want my servant to look... Nice." I nodded as if I was going to fully co-operate.

He nodded his head and left the room, shutting the door behind him. "Stupid situation!" I muttered under my breath and went to the wardrobe where my breath hitched in my throat.

It was full of elegant expensive dresses from all around the world. Each one with it's own unique pattern and style from the long white Prada dresses to the short Gucci dresses... But they wouldn't be good to run in and neither would all of the heels that I would love to have under normal circumstances, but these weren't normal circumstances.

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