22. Getaway (Part II)

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Getaway: Prequel - Requested by: @merrelltwinlover1996

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n." The man, more like a bear than a person, clicked his tongue as he circled you like a hawk.

"You know, they say that you're unbreakable," He stopped right behind you, but you stood your ground. This was just another guy who thought he could get into your head, but none of them could. That's what made you so good in the business.

"But I think they're wrong." He continued, "I think there's something I can use to destroy you..."

He was back in front of you again, holding a tablet and watching the screen with a devilish grin, "Or rather... someone." Your heart rate rocketed. There's no way he could know about her, right? You'd protected her, kept her a secret, right?

He looked up into your eyes before slowly turning the screen around, and you couldn't stop the response you had- but oh how you wish you could have. You'd lunged forwards, grabbed the tablet and examined its display closer, trying to find anything to say that what you thought you were seeing was wrong.

You weren't.

Now his words echo in your mind, as well as the sentence he spoke after that.

Give it up, and she gets off scot free.

That's Camila, sitting there in the dark with night-vision cameras surrounding her. That is her right on the other side of the screen, wherever they had her; her hair a mess showing that she'd struggled against them and her eyes glued to the floor in what looked like shame, evidence of tears staining her cheeks. She shouldn't be ashamed, you should be. You must've let your identity slip at some point, or else why would the man know to target, kidnap, and make an underlying threat to murder Camila, all to blackmail you into giving it all up?

The decision should be easy, and perhaps to other people it would be, but there's another reason you are so good in the underground world of drug trafficking. You're cold; ice cold. Nobody could touch you. If they did you'd chop their hand off without a hesitation.

Maybe that's what stopped you from immediately breaking down in tears and begging that she be kept alive, promising that you'd do anything to have this man set her free. No matter how much you wanted to do that, you are at work and at work you are expected to act professionally.

But Camila is the only person who can warm you up, and she doesn't even know it; She doesn't know any of it. The decision should be easy.

He left you in that room for a while 'to make your choice', he said. You spend most of it wondering why that decision is so difficult to make, and the remainder hating yourself because it is. You have to save her, there's no doubt about it, but by this man's terms that meant giving him your entire business, your entire life, and, although he hadn't spoken this part, he'd likely find a way to get you thrown in jail... or worse. He didn't seem like the type of man who'd show any sort of mercy.

Is her life worth giving up for yours? No, of course not.

I think there's something I can use to destroy you, or rather... someone.

Give it up, and she gets off scot free.

You're brought from your thoughts with the sound of a sniffle coming from the device in your hands. She is crying again. It must've been at least fifteen minutes since you were shown the tablet, god knows how long she'd been in that dark room by herself, tied to her chair. She's probably thinking this was how she'll die.

The decision should be easy.

And at the end of the day, it is. You're just too cowardly to pick it.

Then an idea strikes you: You take the better option, save Camila. Then you run, just for long enough that you won't be on everyone's radar, as long as that would take. You'd have to bring Camila along with you, or else she'd be used again but this time as bait to bring you back. So you'd run, and then you come back and cut off this guy's balls (since he obviously has too much if he's willing to take you on) and take your company back. You'd have to change your business model though, and likely move somewhere far away from Miami. It's the only choice you ever really had from the start.

And if that didn't work? Well, you have loyal enough customers that with one click of your fingers, the business would go bankrupt.

You slowly, shakily, get to your feet and headed towards the only door in the room. You knock, and it opens to reveal the brute from earlier.

"I trust you have made a decision." He states, a glimmer of disgusting hope in his eye.

"I have." You nod, looking down at the tablet as you speak. He crosses his tree-like arms over his chest, "Give her back to me, unharmed, and I'll give you everything; my business, my stock, it's yours, but she's mine."

You hadn't meant to growl, but it seems to have the desire effect anyway as he nods and sticks his hand out for you to shake. You scrunch your nose at it but then take it, shaking and sealing the deal.

"Camila!" You call out as you rush into the dark room, the only light the dim one from the hall, though it was enough for you to see her tired figure tied to that chair. Her head snaps up and terrified, teary eyes race over your body as you kneel beside her, quickly working to untie her.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" She hisses, quickly taking her hands from the back of the chair and wringing her wrists, red from where the rope was a little too tight. If it wouldn't have risked your own lives, you'd have liked very much to punch whoever had tied her for that.

"I'm- I can explain, but later. We need to get out of here." You instruct, moving to work on her feet. As soon as she is untied, you lift her until she's standing and she immediately leans against you, wrapping her arms tightly around your waist with her hands overlapping between your shoulder blades. Your own hand falls to her lower back, and you hold her against you for a second before making a move which tells her to let go so that you can get out of that horrible room.

Not at that moment nor ever did you expect that in just a few months later you two would be partners in crime, robbing atms and small stores to survive, hot wiring a new car every week or so so that you couldn't be tracked that way. You promise her you'll protect her at nights when she gets scared and you promise yourself you'll never let her get caught. If it came to it, you'd sacrifice yourself to save her.

"Y/n!" She yelled, tossing a bag of cash in your direction as she ran from the back of the small bank, "They're here."

"Shit!" You hissed, catching the bag and sprinting towards the door, holding it open as Camila ran out into the rain (you might be a criminal but that doesn't mean you can't be a gentlewoman).

"You know, I think you're the only person that the whole 'I just robbed a bank' aesthetic can look good on." You point out as you join her in the rain, instantly becoming soaked through as you look for a car on the street.

"Aw, thanks babe." She chuckles, then points at a parked car and starts running towards it, tossing the bags she was carrying in the back before moving to the driver's side.

"There is no chance in hell I'm letting you drive."


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