Once Upon a Fanfic

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Recap from last chapter

"Time to go to school" she said. "I've been trying to wake you up for a while"

"Sorry, I was just really into my dream" I said, which wasn't completely a lie.

"Well you better hurry up. It's 7:30"

"Crap. K" I said and got ready.

Kat's P.O.V.

While I was walking to school I got out my phone and started reading a fanfic. I read Diana by hlGh_clifford. It's about a girl that knew Niall before he became famous and after he became famous he never contacted her. And I have to tell you right now, I'm a Niall girl.

I read the part where Louis sees Diana's cuts and pulls her into the kitchen to talk to her.

When I arrived at school I went to my locker, got the books I needed for my first class, and headed to class. My first class is history. BORING. I sit in the back behind this really tall guy. I set my head down and before I knew it I was asleep. Suddenly I felt myself reaching up to fix my hair. I was standing in a flat with all the boys in 1D. Louis was standing beside me.

As I reached up to touch my hair my sleeve slipped down. Louis's face suddenly turned from happy to sad. I put my hand down and started to walk away, when really what I wanted to do was talk to him. I mean, if I had control I would take a picture with him and spend some time with him, but since I wasn't in control I was forced to walk away. Then louis grabbed my arm.

"What were they?" he asked.

"I...umm...nothing...what?" I said staggering. I really wish I were in control.

"Lets go in the kitchen, yeah?" He asked. I was forced to nod my head yes. "Do you want to talk about it with me? I know we have only met but I know how it feels Diana"

Then it went black. I hear someone saying my name and I was being shaken. "Kat wake up!"

"What?" I asked.

"I've been trying to wake you up for five minutes. What happened?" my teacher asked.

"Nothing I just fell asleep." I answered.

"Why wouldn't you wake up?"

"I was really into my dream"

"You better get to your next class." She said.

"K." I said and stormed out the door. Note to self: don't read fanfics on the way to school. I don't know how long I was in there for, but I've first got to learn to control this before I do something crazy like that.

I went quickly went to my locker, and to my next class. Since I slept a little I only had a minute to get to class. When I went in everyone was there and I sat down at the only seat left. Naturally, since its school and its boring, I thought about other things.

'What would happen if I fell asleep now?'

'What would happen if I read two fanfics before I went to sleep?'

'What would happen if a character died in a book?'

That last question got me thinking.

'What if whatever happens to the people in the dream happens to them in real life?'

I wanted to experiment, but at the same time I didn't. What if I hurt someone? Since it hurt me wouldn't it hurt them? Maybe it just hurts the people that remember it. What if... the people in the dream actually do remember it!?!

Niall's P.O.V.

The lads and I (including Zayn) were out getting pizza. We ordered cheese and pepperoni. We were handed a number and waited for our number to be called. We had number 56.

"51" the announcer said and a couple went and got their pizza.

"Ugh! I'm so hungry! when is out pizza going to be ready!" I complained.

"Be patient." Liam said. "It'll be ready in a little bit."

"52" the announcer called after a little while.

"Ugh. It's going to take forever" I complained even more. I want food!

"OMG!" I heard someone say and I turned around. Standing there were two teenage girls "You guys are One Direction! And Zayn is here!"

"Yeah that's us" louis said.

"Can we take pictures with you" one of them asked.

"Of course" Zayn said. They took pictures with each if us individually and as a group. Man, fans take a lot of pictures.

"Thank you so much." The same girl said.

"Can you guys sign my shirt?" the other girl asked. Now she wants us to sign her shirt? I just want my pizza.

"We'd love to" Harry answered for the rest of us. So we ended up signing both of their shirts.

"Is there anything else you would like?" Liam asked. Don't ask if they want anything else!

"Could I get a kiss from Niall?" the first girl asked.

"Do you have any food you could give me?" I asked.

"Niall. We're ordering pizza" Harry told me. Like I don't already know that.

"No. We ate it all" she said

"Sorry no kiss then"

"Oh c'mon Niall just give the girl a kiss." Louis said.

"Fine. But only on the cheek" I said as leaned to give the girl a kiss on the check. As I was about to touch her check she turned so that our lips touched.

"Shit" I said and pulled away.

"Hehe" she said and they walked away.

"Number 53" the announcer said.

"Three more. Three more" I said hoping time would go by faster.

After what felt like forever the numbers went by.




"Niall why don't you go get it" Zayn said and that's all I remember of that scene. Next thing I know I'm telling a man to back off a girl that he just hit to the ground (from My Savior by Niallismehmofo). She's beautiful.

"Hey you leave her alone!" I said to him. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I can't stop myself. I pushed him down and helped her up.


Books mentioned in this chapter:

Diana - hlGh_clifford

My Savior - Niallismehmofo

Big thank you to hlGh_clifford and Niallismehmofo for letting me use their stories.

I started writing this fanfic in 2014, worked really hard on it, and then never published it so here it is. Honestly I think a lot of the fanfics I used in this story were deleted but you can still try and see if they are there.

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