Once Upon a Fanfic

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Recap from last chapter

I did the dishes and went to my room (I had to find it first). I got out a diary and started writing. I wrote something similar to what I wrote in the story. After I was done with that I looked for my phone, but then I remembered, in the story she doesn't have a phone.

"Why did I have to hit the publish button?" I said to myself and went to sleep.

Kat's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and walked to school. School was boring. I avoided everybody since I could choose what to do.

When I got back home my 'parents' weren't home so I went upstairs and did unnecessary homework. After that I didn't know what to do. I didn't have a phone so I just sat there. I entered something else into the diary. Something about running away.

After a while I heard someone come in the house. It was just my 'dad'.

"Hey!" he yelled at me. "Why don't you do something useful and cook some dinner?!?"

"We don't have anything to cook" I said and he looked at me angrily.

"Then go to the store and get something to cook"

"I don't have any money" I said quietly.

"Here's $20 NOW GO GET FOOD!" He said and I ran out the door. I went to the store and got a pizza because whatever. I had twenty bucks so I got some other stuff just for me. I paid and went back home. When I went inside my 'dad' looked angry.

"WHAT'S THIS?!?" He yelled holding my diary. "YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT RUNNING AWAY!?"

"I wasn't really gonna run away" I said looking down.

"REALLY!" He said. "Then let me read this. Dear diary, my dad abuses me and I don't know what to do. I'm thinking about running away. But if I do where will I go?"


"NO!" He yelled and I dropped the groceries. "You wanna run away? Fine. Run away" he said and grabbed me by the collar and literally threw me out of the house. "have fun by yourself!"

I didn't know what to do so I started walking. I got to under a bridge that the highway crossed over where I figured I'd be staying the night. It was only 5:00. the sun was still shinning. I sat down and brought my knees up to my chest.

Zayn's P.O.V.

So, here's what happened. Niall dropped Kat off and we all left. I went back to my house so I could go to bed. I was at my front door. I unlocked the door and went inside. When I passed through the doorway I was suddenly walking down the street.

"Another fanfic" I said to myself. Then realized, I said what I wanted to say. "What is happening?"

I stopped walking and looked around. There was a bridge a ways away. I decided I would go there. I started walking towards the bridge. There weren't many people walking around. It felt kind of awkward.

Once I got closer to the bridge, I saw a girl sitting under the bridge with her knees up to her chest. I thought I should go up to her and comfort her. She looked sad.

I sat down next to her and asked "you ok?" She looked up at me and I immediately recognized her. "Kat!"

"Zayn! I was hoping you would come!" she said and got up and hugged me.

"What are we doing here and why can we control what we're doing?" he asked.

"Yeah. I accidentally hit the publish button on one of my stories" I said.

"So what's going to happen?"

"I don't know. But this is the story I wrote"

"Well where do we go from here?"

"In the story you take me and introduce me to the other boys"

"Great idea. Then they'll come in the story and we can talk about this together"

We went to his house where all the other guys were.

"Hey guys look who I found" Zayn said.

"Kat!" Niall said, got up, and hugged me.

"What the heck just happened" Louis said.

"Why can we choose what to say?" Liam asked.

"Kat what did you do" Harry said.

"Well, you see" I started "I was on my phone. On wattpad. And I accidentally hit the publish button on one of my stories"

"What!" Louis said.


"Well, what's going to happen?" Liam asked.

"I don't know. So far all I know is that we can say what we want and do what we want"

"So, we just wait till the end of he story?" Harry asked.

"Yeah but, we can say what we want. We can change the story. How will the story end if we don't even follow what happened"

"Well, so far we have right?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah. My 'dad' kicked me out and you found me and brought me to your house"

"So, we just follow along with what happens" louis said.


"So what happens next?" Niall asked.


"You don't remember what you wrote?" Liam asked.

"I kinda do"

"Do you really?"



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