Once Upon a Fanfic

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Recap from last chapter

"You don't remember what you wrote?" Liam asked.

"I kinda do"

"Do you really?"


Liam's P.O.V.

"So, how is this story ever going to end?" I asked.

"Dude, you've got to remember" Louis said.

"I-I- I don't really remember" she said stuttering. Then she started to cry.

"Look what you guys did!" Niall said and hugged her.

"Sorry. We just don't want to be stuck in a fanfic" Harry said and they all nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry. Nothing bad happens to you guys in the story" She said then her eyes popped. "Perrie!"

"What?" Zayn asked.

"Nothing really. She just comes in for most of the story. But you two do get in a fight because I wrote the story before you two broke up."

"Well we don't really have to fight so that settles that" Zayn said.

"Right. Now, what happens next in the story?" Louis asked.

"I don't know!" she said.

Then after a while I came up with a brilliant idea.

"Wait, you published the whole story right?" I asked.

"Yeah! I see where this is going!" She said catching along.

"Why don't we just go on to wattpad and read your story?"

"That's right! It's online!" Niall said.

"I'll look it up. What's it called?" Louis asked.

"Dear Diary" She said and Louis looked it up.

"It says that pictures end up getting put online of Cat and Zayn and Perrie gets jealous and that's when they have their argument" Louis said.

"When do the pictures come out?" Zayn asked.

"Um..." Louis said reading to find out. "The day after they were taken so tomorrow"

"So once that happens we just go over to Perrie's house and explain everything" I said.

"Ok. I just don't want anything happening to Perrie" Zayn said.

"I completely understand"

"So we just sit around as wait until tomorrow?" Niall asked.

"I guess"

"Wanna watch a movie?" Harry asked.

"Sure what movie?"

"What movies are here?" Liam asked.

"No good ones obviously" Louis said. "This is going to be a long day"

Perrie's P.O.V.

I was about to go onstage. I grabbed my microphone and took a deep breath. We did our group huddle, and after we did our cheer we all separated. All of a sudden, everything went black. I assume I fell, but I didn't feel my head get hit on the ground. I started to wonder if I died. But then, I was in a house. It wasn't my house, but it was a pretty nice house. I looked outside, and I had no idea where I was. It was like a regular neighborhood, but no neighborhood I'd ever seen before. I didn't know what to do, I was shaking so hard. Then all of a sudden, the home phone starts ringing. I wasn't sure wether to answer it or not, so I just let it go.

I patted my pockets to see if I had anything on me that would help. In my back pocket was an iPhone. I went on it and the only contact I could find was Zayn's. I called him and after a few seconds he answered.

"Zayn?!?" I asked hoping he was there.

"Perrie? I didn't think you came into the story yet!" Zayn said. What is he talking about? what story?

"What? what story? I have no idea what you're talking about"

"I'll be over in a bit to talk to you. Just stay put"

"No problem. Where are we?"

"I'll explain later. Bye" he said then hung up. I did what he said and stayed put. Except I might've looked in the kitchen for food. I got some chips and popped some popcorn while I waited for Zayn to show up. I looked for a movie or something to do while I wait. It seemed like it took forever for him to show up. He finally did show up with the other boys and a random girl.

"Hello" he said as he walked into what I guess was my house.

"Um, hi. What's going on" I asked right away.

"Ooh chips" Niall said and took some from me.

"Right now we're all in a fanfic." He explained. "For some reason when Kat would read a fanfic it would make whoever was in the fanfic pass out or something and then become part of it, usually not having control of what they do. This time, she published a story and we have control of what we do and so we're trying to figure out how to get out."

"So... what you're saying is I'm missing my concert right now" I asked.

"Yeah. You're just passed out or something. Everyone else is normal and they think you passed out. We all ended up in the emergency room because people can't wake us up when this happens" Kat explained.

"How long is it going to take for us to get back to normal?"

"Who knows"

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