Once Upon a Fanfic

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Recap from last chapter

I set down my phone and thought a little more for a second. Should I keep reading fanfics? I don't want to do anything to hurt the boys. Good thing in the story Niall just pushes the guys and doesn't get in a fight with him and get bruised or anything. God I would never forgive myself if something like that happened. Imagine how Niall would wake up.

I decided to lay off fanfics for a while. But I still kept the Wattpad app in case of an emergency.

Louis's P.O.V.

I was home with Eleanor. We were watching Prince Caspian. She had her head resting on mine and my arm was wrapped around her. We were at the part in the movie where Peter fights the king.

"Hey El do you want some popcorn?" I asked her.

"Sure" she said and removed her head from my shoulder and I got up. I put the bag in the microwave and went and sat back down while I was waiting for the popcorn to be done. When I sat down me and El leaned in for a kiss, but then it went black.

I woke up, standing up beside some random girl. All the guys were there, but they weren't near us. She reached up to fix her hair and her sleeve slid down. There were cuts on her arm. She quickly put her arm back down.

"What were they?" I asked. I don't even know why I asked that WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!

"I...umm...nothing...what?" She said. Who is she? what is she doing here? and more importantly, what am I doing here?

"Lets go in the kitchen, yeah?" I asked her. What? Louis? control yourself! you're in a relationship.

But the thing was, I couldn't control myself. I was forced to say stuff and move places. The only thing I controlled was my thoughts.

"Do you want to talk about it with me? I know we have only met but I know how it feels Diana" I said once we were in the kitchen. Who the heck is this Diana person? how did I know her name? WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?

Then it went black again. I opened my eyes and I was back with El who was leaning over me with the most frightened look on her face. I was lying down on the couch and the movie was still going, except it was further then were it was when, you know, the thing happened.

"What happened?" she asked helping me sit up.

"I have no idea" I said. "Is the popcorn done?"

"Yes. But I'm not worried about that I'm worried about you! what happened?"

"I told you I don't know! It was... like an awake dream."

Niall's P.O.V.

Well, I was on my phone, checking twitter when Louis called me. I declined him. What could possibly be important right now? I kept going through my news feed and he called me again. I answered it because if he was desperate he would try again.

"Hello?" I said putting the phone up to my ear.

"Why did you decline me?!? This is important!" He said. Oops.

"Sorry. What do you need?"

"You know how you said you had an awake dream?"

"Yeah..." I said dragging it out.

"I had the same thing"

"Did you punch a guy in a coffee shop who was attaching a girl singing and playing a guitar?" I asked. Ok, if you say it like that it sounds like I've gone crazy.

"No I talked to a girl named Diana who had cuts on her arm that she didn't want me to see but I saw them because her sleeve rolled down when she was fixing her hair." He said. Ok, it does sound like we've gone crazy.



"What does she look like?"

"Well, she had dirty blonde hair and was pretty tall, she looked like he was in high school. She had pretty blue eyes"

"That's the same girl I saw! Only I don't know the girl in my dreams name"

"What the heck is happening to us?"

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out"


"Do you think Liam Harry and Zayn would believe us?"

"Well I didn't until it happened to me."

"We can't count on that. Why don't we just try and tell them"

"It's worth a shot. Come over to my house for dinner."

"Alright. El is here just to let you know"

"See ya in like 10 minutes"


I hung up and went to get my shoes on. I need to find out what's happening and who that girl is.

I got in my car and drove to Louis's house which wasn't very far from mine. When I got there Liam Zayn and Harry were already there. El was there too.

"What's for dinner?" I asked Louis.

"Pizza" he said and right as soon as he said that the doorbell rang. He went to answer the door. Standing there was a girl with a pizza box in her hands.

"$10.99- Oh my gosh you're one direction!" she said.

"Yep" louis said, handed her the money, grabbed the pizza and shut the door.

"What if she wanted an autograph?" Harry asked.

"Not important right now" Louis said. "We need to talk"

"About what?" Liam asked. We all sat down at the table and ate our pizza and talked.

"You guys remember what happened to Niall?" Louis said. They all nodded. "The same thing happened to me"

"You're kidding me" Zayn said. "The 'awake dream'?"

"So that's why you suddenly passed out?" El asked.

"Yeah. I don't know why." Louis said.

"And we can't control ourselves when it happens. We can control our thoughts, but not our actions." I said speaking up.

"Weird." Harry said.

"I intend to find out why this is happening."


Books used in this chapter:

Diana - Lindsfisher

Things are starting to get interesting

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