Once Upon a Fanfic

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Recap from last chapter

"And we can't control ourselves when it happens. We can control out thoughts, but not our actions." I said speaking up.

"Weird." Harry said.

"I intend to find out why this is happening."

Louis's P.O.V.

"I'm sorry guys, but I don't believe you" Liam said. What? WHAT?

"why not?!? we're telling the truth!!!" I said.

"Louis, if you and Niall are pulling some prank than you might as well give up"

"But we're not!" Niall said as stood up. "We will prove it!!" he grabbed my hand and took my upstairs, into my room, and shut the door. "What now!"

"Maybe... maybe someone else knows what's happening."

"Like who? Cause you know, a fan would just be the person to cause all of this"

"It could be possible! Go on Instagram and post... post a selfie of you and me and explain what's happening in the caption."

"Why don't you? you haven't posted in forever!" Niall complained.

"Fine. Smile for the camera" I said and we took a selfie. I posted it and the likes and comments immediately came rushing in. "Now we wait."

"For what?"

"I don't exactly know"

"Is someone going to just comment and say 'oh I know what's happening'?"

"I told you I don't know"

"Well, how long do we wait?"

"I don't know"

"You don't know anything"



"Lets go back to dinner"


Kat's P.O.V.

I was at school. It was in between classes, and I heard a girl yell in the hallway "OMG LOUIS POSTED A SELFIE ON INSTAGRAM!!!!!"

"LOUIS POSTED A SELFIE!!!!" Another girl yelled. All the boys rolled their eyes. I slipped into the corner and got out my phone. I went onto Instagram and sure enough Louis had posted a selfie of him and Niall. Then I read the caption.

Guys we need your help! something weird is happening to us and we don't know what. It's like we suddenly fall asleep and then get taken into your guy's stories. And there always seems to be this beautiful girl. The other boys don't believe us, so if you know what's happening please use the hash tag #directionerdreamexplanation thanks :)

"He called me beautiful..." I quietly said to myself. But I guess I didn't say it quiet enough.

"Who called you beautiful?" Penelope asked me. Remember I told you about her?

"Oh... um... my brother" wow Kat. That's lame. You don't even have a brother.

"You don't have a brother" Penelope said.

"My imaginary brother, in a dream a had last night" I said. Gosh I'm a bad lier.

"Ok..." she said as walked away.

After school I went home and ran to my room. I closed the door and read a fanfic. One with all of the boys in it. I found a fanfic called Broken by Directionergirls69 I read until all the boys had talked in the story. I had read 6 chapters which in the story, is about 4 days for me, two for Niall Louis and Liam, one day for Harry and Zayn. I post a pic on my fan page on Instagram with the hash tag #directionerdreamexplanation and in the caption I say 'boys get ready to sleep' and I lay down on my bed and close my eyes for 4 days straight.


Books mentioned in this chapter:

Broken - directionergirls69

I always get really excited when I get a great idea for a story.

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