Once Upon a Fanfic

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Recap from last chapter

"No one has ever been this nice to me, it's amazing I've met my heroes." I told him.

"What do you mean heroes?" he asked me and I looked down at my wrist and he saw.

"Babe please don't cut, it hurts me to know you've been hurt"

Zayn's P.O.V.

We were sitting at the hospital. No one had woken up yet. I was really worrying about them, so were Harry and the doctor. No one knew what was happening.

"What is going on? What could cause them to sleep for so long" I asked even though I knew no one knew why.

"I just hope they're ok" Harry said with a worried look on his face. "If something happens to them then-"

Harry started falling. I quickly caught him and called for the doctor. The doctor came in and helped me lay him on a bed. The doctor checked him and tried to see what happened.

"I think it's spreading" the doctor said. "Some kind of sickness"

"Out of all the people in the world, it hit us first" I said and sat down in a chair and waited. I was all by myself. The doctor went to go get someone else to help him. I assumed the sickness was going to get me too. But if this is going to happen to one of us it's going to happen to all of us. We go down as a team.

The doctor came back in with some other doctors and they all checked to see what was wrong with all four of them.

I felt tears building up in my eyes. How could this happen? how did they get this sickness, whatever it is. Hopefully the doctors can figure it out.

Harry's P.O.V.

It faded into like another world. One minute I was feeling Zayn catch me as the next I'm asking if someone has food. Here's exactly what happened.

"Guys quiet down we have company" Niall said. What company could we be having? and why is this even happening?

"Well whoever it is they better have food" I said, and I couldn't stop it. I was forced to say something I didn't want to.

"I don't have food but I can go get so-" a pretty girl said. How nice of her to offer to go get food. She seems really sweet.

We all ran in for a hug from her, I don't know why it's just a random girl that Niall brought home. Wait, i recognize her... whatever. She must've just been a fan we met. Liam's dog licked her face.

"What the hell you're hurting her!" Niall yelled and we got off.

"Sorry Sarah" I guess her name is Sarah. "We just all just love you"

She told us about herself. She's from Nebraska and she says her family hates her.

Niall kept looking at her hand. I guess they held hands or something.

She showed us her arms and told us she also cuts on her thigh. Poor Liam was crying his eyes out. Wait... Liam? they were all there. Is this why they've been asleep for so long or is this just my dream? I have all of my senses and woo it smells bad. Probably Niall's socks. But, Zayn was there, and I was out before him. Why were Niall Louis and Liam out before me and Zayn?

K, back to what happened in my reality show dream.

Liam gave a speech about how people bully and how people are so cruel and then he started crying again.

"We could tell you were lonely at the restaurant and then we noticed your One Direction phone case so we told Niall to go talk to you. I always love meeting directioners that we've saved" Zayn said. Maybe that had some effect on him waIT A SECOND I THINK I'VE GOT IT! Niall, Louis and Liam were already sleeping, and I came in right as I said something. Maybe, just maybe, you have to talk to be able to be a part of it. But, that's the part I'm still stumped on. How is this even possible?

Zayn's P.O.V.

"We can't find out what's wrong with them" the doctor said.

"Out of all the people in the world. It gets us first" I said.

"Actually there's another girl in the building that the same thing is happening. She went out before Niall did." The doctor told me.

"How long do you think it will be until it gets me?" I ask.

"I don't kn-" he says and everything changes. I'm now in a house instead of a hospital.

"We could tell you were lonely at the restaurant and then we noticed your One Direction phone case so we told Niall to go talk to you. I always love meeting directioners that we've saved" I said. Why I said it? I don't know. I couldn't stop. Why am i here? I guess Niall and Louis were right. Imagine how much Liam is going to be apologizing.

Everyone was there, including a girl who I guess was the directioner we saved. Who else would it be?

"And as long as you're in London you can always hang and talk with us" Louis said. I guess we're in London.

She smiled, which made me happy. I don't know why, I just met the girl, well, technically I haven't even met her. I've just seen her in a dream. And she might've seen me in a dream and YES SHE DID SEE ME IN A DREAM. She's the girl that also had the sickness! the girl that it hit before Niall!


Books used in this story:

Broken - directionergirls69

Everything is coming together for Harry and Zayn.

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