Once Upon a Fanfic

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Recap from last chapter

"Yeah. You're just passed out or something. Everyone else is normal and they think you passed out. We all ended up in the emergency room because people can't wake us up when this happens" Kat explained.

"How long is it going to take for us to get back to normal?"

"Who knows"

Leigh Anne's P.O.V.

"Perrie!" I yelled as she fell to the floor. What is happening? maybe she just passed out.

"Get her on the couch!" Jade said and we laid her down in a near by dressing room.

"What do you think happened?" Jesy asked.

"She might've just passed out for lack of oxygen to the brain" I suggested. I put my hand under her nose and felt air being pushed onto it. "She's breathing perfectly fine. Lets just give her air and let her breathe"

"What about the concert?" Jesy asked. "What about everyone out there waiting for us?"

"I, I don't know. We've never had a situation like this before. We can't sing without Perrie" I said.

"We don't have enough time to find out what to do! everyone is waiting! we should be on the stage right now" Jade said.

"Lets wait a little. Maybe Perrie will wake up" Jesy suggested.

"What about the fans?" I asked.

"They can wait. They'd probably rather wait and have Perrie there than not wait with no Perrie" Jade said.

"K. Lets wait. How long do we wait?"

"I guess just until she wakes up"

"Who knows how long that will be" Jesy said and we all sat down watching Perrie on the couch motionless.

Kat's P.O.V.

I have no idea how to get out of this. I made a big mistake. How are we some post to get out of a fanfic we can control? I guess we can follow the story, but since we control it will it truly ever be finished? I'm just glad I have the boys here with me to help me figure this out. I'm still not quite over the fact that I'm here with One Direction.

"I'm bored" Niall said. "Got any pizza?"

"You can look in the kitchen but I didn't see any when I looked" Perrie said to Niall. He went to the kitchen and opened up the fridge. He started grabbing out a bunch of food from meatballs to hamburgers to Mac and cheese.

"Got enough there Niall?" I asked jokingly.

"Almost" he answered.

"How does he not get fat?" I asked Harry.

"I have no idea" Harry answered.

"I'm still bored" Niall said as he took a bite out of a hamburger.

"Guys. We're breaking the story line right now" I suddenly realized. "We're not some post to be here yet. Not until tomorrow"

"Why did Perrie come in so soon then?" Zayn asked.

"Because of her part in the story.

"So we're not some post to be here?" Niall asked.


"Then what happens while we wait?" Liam asked.

"The story doesn't say" Louis said looking on his phone.

"Did you think I would write about how you guys sleep?"

"Well then what do you write about in between?"

"After Zayn brings me to the house that's the end of the chapter so the next chapter goes straight into the morning"

"What time is it?" Perrie asked.

"11:00 P.M." Zayn said.

"But... it's still light outside" Harry pointed out and we all looked out the window.

"What the..."

"Since we're in control of the story maybe we have to move the sun ourselves" louis suggested.

"Hahahahahaha" Niall laughed.

"Wait, you said it goes to the next chapter and doesn't talk about night" Perrie said.

"Yeah" I said a little confused.

"That's what's happening. It's just following along with the story like its some post to."

"You're right!" Liam said.

"So we are some post to be here?" Louis asked.

"I think so. Now this is when Zayn and Perrie argue" I said.

"Can we skip that part?" Zayn asked.

"Zayn it has to happen for the story to happen"

"But, I can't argue with Perrie"

"Do you wanna be stuck in this fanfic?"

"Zayn it's ok. I know that you won't mean any of it" Perrie said and smiled at him. I wish I were in a relationship like theirs.

"Alright. So... how am I some post to do this?"

"Just act" I said.

"Perrie it's not what it seems!" Zayn said.

"Zayn I saw pictures of you with that girl! Jesy told me that you brought her home" Perrie said. They're not that bad of actors.

"Her dad kicked her out. It was the least I could do for her. I was just trying to be nice!"

"How do I know you're not just lying to me? Jesy, Leigh Anne, and Jade told me I should dump you, maybe that's what I'll do"

"Perrie, no"


"Please. There's no one I love more than you. You're the only one I want. I don't know what I'd do without you. I promise from the bottom of my heart, there is nothing going on between me and that girl"



"So what happens now?" Perrie asked me.

"Louis check the story" I told Louis.

"You and Niall end up dating" he said. I looked at Niall and he smiled at me.

"Sweet" Niall said.

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