day II

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    Dear David,

    Today Amanda and Alesha came to visit you in the hospital. They both started crying when they saw you because your nose is swollen and bruised, you have tubing coming from everywhere in your body (including the catheter coming from a part that I won’t mention) and you have bandages and a huge cast going up your leg to help your broken bones to heal. They also saw the blood transfusions that your body has been needing to heal. The blood transfusions aren’t working as well as the doctors had hoped with you and apparently the blood in your lungs is still there, which is limiting your breathing and therefore you coming off of life support.

    The doctors put you onto life support in the middle of last night because your heart stopped beating for a third time and you had also stopped breathing. You had flatlined for half a minute last night and terrified the shit out of your mum and I when we both got the calls about it.

    Amanda and Alesha left after a couple hours of visiting you and your mum, Kathleen had to leave as well, which left me and you alone in the room together. Before the car crash, you would have made some smutty joke about us being in a room together with nobody else in it.

    That was when I broke down crying, David. You had me, Simon Cowell, in tears over your critical condition. I want you to wake up soon, David.



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