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    Dear David,

    Today I kissed your temple again before we left the hospital. This is twice in a row that I've done it and I think it's because of how much I love you. I wish that you were able to kiss me now but you haven't woken up in over two weeks. The medicine that you're getting right now seems to be helping you from what me and Kathleen have seen but your skin is still slightly blue and your breathing is shallow. There's really nothing that can be done for this though but we have to wait and see. The doctors are saying that you're displaying symptoms of lung failure and we have the choice to pull your life support plug at any time before November first.

    Kathleen is saying that we should do it because we don't want you to suffer but I know that you can fight it, David. You fought so hard to get partial custody of your son and you need to fight now. I've told Kathleen that we should wait to do it and let you heal at your own pace and get better. She's been crying all day since we were told about you showing some symptoms of lung failure.

    I want you to get better, David. You have a son to fight for who's laying with his head on my stomach as I write and you have a mother to fight for. I want you to live and get better, David. I love you.


dear david | damon ✓Where stories live. Discover now