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Your P.O.V

Your phone rings , you grab it and an unknown number pops up , "hello?" You say into the phone , "hello is this Y/N?" The person asks , it's a man's voice, "yeah , who is this ?" You confirm , "this is Jeff Davis , and I wanted to inform you that you got the part of 'Alexa' in teen wolf" (I know that there's no character called that but trust me with this), "really? That's the best news I've heard heard today" you say trying to stay calm "I'm glad to hear, will it be ok if you came for a photoshoot and interviews?" Jeff asks , "yeah , where and when?" You ask and Jeff tells you the details. You grab a pink jacket and you slip on white trainers and you walk out of the house.
You push open the double doors that lead you to the building that holds the photoshoot and the interview. You head towards the front desk, the lady behind it looks up , "hi my name is Y/N and I got a call from Jeff saying th-" "Y/N!" Someone calling your name interrupts you, you turn to your left, the direction if the voice. Jeff is walking up to you , he pulls you into an unexpected hug , although you hug back "hi" you say , "hello , let me take you to the interview" Jeff says and he turns around and you follow him through multiple corridors.
"You'll have to wait a couple of minutes , the interviewer is currently busy , is that okay?" Jeff asks , "yeah, sure, no problem" you ensure him, "okay , I have to go though , I'll see you later" he tells you "bye" you say and he leaves. You stand there awkwardly as you wait for the interviewer to finish, you look in the direction if the interviewer and you see that it's a woman , she's interviewing a guy , with brownish hair and blue eyes, he looks up and catches your eyes,  he smiles and you smile back , you look away shyly.
After 10 minutes or so the interviewer finishes. You look up from your phone and you see that the guy is standing in front of you, "umm are you Y/N?" He asks , " yeah" you say , he extends his hand and you gladly take it , "nice to meet you , I'm Froy by the way, umm the interviewer is ready for you" he intordhces himself  , "nice to meet you too, and thanks" you say , you smile and you walk around Froy and you head towards the interviewer. "Umm excuse me, Froy said you were ready for me" You say , the woman looks up , " oh yes , have a seat" you do as she tells you. " I'm Carolina , nice to meet you Y/N now tell me , what was your reaction when Jeff told you that you got the part?" She asks you , you think and then you speak up " well the first thing that I thought after the audition was that I wasn't going to get the part and today I was just doing my normal stuff you know having a Netflix marathon and then I got the call and Jeff was like "oh yeah you got the part , come here for an interview and photo shoots" and I was like "okay" trying to stay as calm as possible because I knew that if I started squealing then he would've regretted choosing me to be honest" you say , the interviewer chuckles slightly , " well that sounds like you're happy" " yeah I'm really happy, plus I get to meet new people and I guess that's really exciting" you explain , "I'm glad to hear that , now here's another question , how excited are you knowing that you're working with Tyler posey, Dylan O'Brien , Tyler Hoechlin and other's?" Carolina asks , "I think it's a great opportunity and I think I'll get to learn from them , plus they have a lot of experience so I guess that because this is my first ever show , like I've never been in any movie before so I think this is will help me understand and teach me how to act better , do you know what I mean?" You say truthfully, " yeah I totally get you , well this is it , hope to see you soon , good luck with your filming" Carolina says "it was nice to meet you Carolina , and thank you for this lovely interview" you say , the two of you shake hands and you get up from the armchair , you notice that Froy is standing in the same spot you were in before your interview , "Hi Froy" you say , he smiles "hi Y/N , I was going to wait on you so we could walk to the photoshoot together, is that okay?" He tells you, "yeah, come on let's go" You say, he opens the door and he holds it out for you , you smile to say thank you. The two of you walk through the corridors of the building , "I hope you know where you're going because I have no clue where I am right now" you say and you giggle , he laughs "yeah don't worry I've got it covered" he says , "so who are you playing?" You ask him as you walk through endless halls , "Nolan" he says "you?" , " I'm playing Alexa" you notify him "I think that's your love interest, wait not yours, Nolan's , I meant Nolan's love interest" you try to hide your face in embarrassment, he chuckles "I know, I guess I'll be spending a lot of time with you then" he says , "yeah" you say , you finally open the double doors that have a piece of paper saying photoshoot on them. When you open the doors , you see that Jeff is standing by the computers, he turns around and when he sees you two he walks over, "hey guys , will it be okay with the two of you if you had the photos taken together, because we're running a little late here and we want everyone's pictures to be taken?" Jeff asks, you look at Froy and he looks back at you , you look back at Jeff "yeah sure" Froy says , "brilliant , Okay you are the last people to get they're pictures taken so I don't think there will be any interruptions, just do as the guy says" Jeff instructs. The two of you walk over to the photographer and he instructs you into places and poses.
"This one is great" Jeff says as he points at the computer screen , you and Froy have finished your photoshoot and are now looking at the photos, "I like that one" you agree, this photo involves you sitting on a bar stool and Froy is standing slightly behind you, you are looking up and he's looking down at you , the both of you are smiling at each other. "Good job guys, you're free to go , I'll call you later for details about filming, so just go and enjoy yourself...bye" he says as he goes over to the photographer, "do you want to grab something to eat?" Froy asks you , "Yes please , I'm starving" you say truthfully and he chuckles.
When you arrive at the nearest restaurant the two of you sit down at a table, the waitress hands you the menu and you look through all the options, you decide to get lasagna (I couldn't think of anything else sorry ) , you and Froy have a long lasting conversation until you have to leave. "Y/N?" He says , "yeah?" "Umm...I was wondering if I could get your number?" He asks shyly , you nod and you grab your phone and show him it "I don't remember my number so..." you say and he laughs slightly " it's okay , I don't know mine either" he says back , "see you later I guess" he says , " see you later Froy" you say , you get into your car , smiling , you met Froy today and that makes you happy.
Hey guys , I didn't know how to end this , but I hope you like it , thank you for reading this book 💜

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