Chapter 2- Tristan's POV

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After crying myself to sleep last night, I finally managed to force myself out of bed. I was initially in the mood to just stay in and hide all day, but I'm quite glad I didn't as it probably would have made me feel even worse. That'd be difficult, but knowing my luck it's definitely possible. I hate being so sad all the time, but I can't bring myself to do the one thing that would make it better.

I tried to cheer myself up by having chocolate cereal for breakfast, but it hasn't seemed to work. It's so pathetic- if I'd been dumped it'd make sense that I was feeling low, it's just that I'm making a huge drama out of nothing. I'm still wearing pyjama bottoms and a hoodie as I just haven't had the heart to get dressed.

I need to go out, as being here wallowing all day isn't going to do me any good. I need some fresh air and daylight- a change of scene would be a good start, but I don't know how much use it'll actually be. It's not going to get rid of my shitty boyfriend, which is what I  really need.

I finally manage to get off the couch when I'm startled by a knock at the door. Sighing deeply, I head over to open it- it could be important. I'm tempted to shut it again immediately when I see the guy from last night. "Hi!" he says brightly.

I rub my eyes blearily. "Uh, hi."

His eyes widen as he presumably recognises me. "Oh, you're the guy I saw yesterday."

I sigh- I'm not in the mood for talking to a loud American, I know it's a stereotype but this guy fits it perfectly. "Can I help you?" I ask tiredly. His face falls, and I instantly feel guilty- it's not his fault that I'm in a bad mood. "Sorry." I apologise. "I'm not really having a good day."

"That sucks:" he says sympathetically. "But I brought you cookies. That'll make you smile."

I do smile, but maybe not for the reason he intended- it's a nice gesture, but I don't even know his name. It's such a random thing to do for a stranger. "Thank you." I say, taking the plastic tub from him. "But, er, why? If you don't mind me asking."

He smiles. "I just moved here like 3 days ago. I thought it'd be a nice way to introduce myself. I'm James."

"Tristan." I tell him. "And it is a nice thing to do. I just wasn't expecting it." 

"I like surprises." James says. "I'm from California. It rains a lot here, that was certainly a surprise." 

I laugh, not at the weirdness of it all but because it's genuinely funny. "Well, thank you. Do you want your box back?"

"Oh, no." he says, waving his hand airily. "I mean, maybe drop it round sometime, but not now." He smiles at me. "Bye!"

"Bye." I say as he disappears down the stairs. That was not an experience I expected. It was weird, but not in a bad way. Maybe it's a cultural thing, there's no way I'd go and bring baked goods to a stranger, especially not one who'd been needlessly rude previously. 

I head off to my bedroom to get dressed, putting the box on the table as I go. I pull on my usual uniform of skinny jeans and a t shirt, then look out the window and see that James was right about the rain. I grab my jacket before putting my shoes on, and I'm just about to leave when I realise that I left my phone on the kitchen counter. On my way back from getting them, I grab one of James' cookies. It's actually quite nice- chocolate chip with a kind of chewy texture.

As I go downstairs, I pass the door I assume to be his, as it has a small American flag sticker on it below the number. I feel myself smile- he seemed nice but odd, as I can't say that's a thing that I'd ever do. But small random acts of kindness mean a lot, especially for someone as sad as me. I step outside into the rain, bracing myself for the cold. I guess that must have been a shock for him, especially given that California is meant to be a really sunny state. I know I'd be surprised if I went somewhere where there was no rain at all. 

James' visit put me in a good mood, but I can feel it slowly disappearing. It's just the same old town that I'm used to, and the boring element combined with my previous bad mood makes me feel even more depressed. At least I've got some peace and quiet, I'll take that over being yelled at my boyfriend. I shouldn't have to be grateful for that, but I can't see it changing any time soon.


If it isn't already obvious, I should clarify that I know almost nothing about America 😂 I'll have to make it up for the sake of the story.

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