Chapter 22- Tristan's POV

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James was right, I did spend most of last night drunk and crying. I knew how much of a mess I was, but I thought things were getting better. Clearly not though, and the worst bit was that he was right. It was good that he didn't let me drink too much, but I just didn't appreciate him taking control of me. But I have so little control over my life that I guess someone should have some control, or god knows what would happen to me.

I woke up at 1 in the afternoon with a headache from crying so much, not from the alcohol as I'm so used to it. It was my boyfriend pointing out that i need help that upset me really, if it had been some stranger I wouldn't have minded as much. I guess the one upside is that I know I have an issue, so I can fix it.

After having a late breakfast (or maybe lunch) I called James and asked him to come over because I need to see him. He's coming over any time now, as he took himself away as we both needed space. It wasnt a  bad enough fight to break us up or anything, but I needed a few hours to settle. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door and I jump up as I need to see my boyfriend so badly. I open the door and he quickly says "I'm sorry for yesterday."

"Why?" I ask, letting him in. ""You were right."

James bites his lip. "You were right as well. I was trying to help you, but I shouldn't have just butted into your business like that."

I take a sip of the water I've been drinking in an effort to get rid of my crying headache. "I appreciate that you were trying to help. Someone needs to be in control of my life if I'm not. I'm sorry for snapping like that." I then hug him tight before he can tell me why he was wrong again- he wasn't, and I need his help now. James kisses my forehead and I have to bite my lip hard to avoid crying again. I've hugged him and kissed him a lot, but that's the kind of affection I was starved of for so long, and it means a lot.

We hug for a bit longer before I let go and say "I need your help. We need to get rid of my alcohol."

"Ok." James says. "How?"

We head into the kitchen where there's a few half empty bottles- one of whisky, one vodka and a couple of bottles of wine. "These are going down the sink." I announce. "I just can't bring myself to do it. There's not much in them, but still.." Before I can finish, James grabs one of the wine bottles and tips the contents straight down the sink. "Ouch. That was quick." I say.

"It needs to be quick or it'll be worse and you won't want to do it." James says. "Like ripping off a band aid."

I laugh for the first time all day. "A plaster." 

James rolls his eyes affectionately before handing my the whisky bottle. "Your turn." 

I take a deep breath before pouring it out and watching it go down the drain. "It kind of seems like a waste."

"It was your idea." James points out. "You do the rest of them, it's you who needs to break the habit." It doesn't take long, and then we're left with the full bottles, although there's not many of them.

 "Can you take these?" I ask. "Please? Leave them somewhere in your house, I don't want them around but I don't want them to go down the drain."

"Ok." says James. "We'll go up to mine and put these somewhere and then forget about them and then watch a movie while I take care of you."

"I don't need to be taken care of." I protest, following him out.

As we leave my flat and go up to his, he says "You're not feeling well, I can tell."

"It's not a hangover if that's what you're suggesting." I say.

"I know it's not." James says. "But I'm still looking after you. Watch." He opens the door to his wardrobe then shoves the box of full bottles to the back of it. "There." he says. "Out of sight out of mind. Now will you let me be a good boyfriend and cuddle you?"

"You're already a good boyfriend." I say as we sit down on his couch together. "You care about me."

"And I love you very much." James says as I curl up beside him, tucking my head into the crook of his neck. And there we stay. We can't decide on a movie so end up putting on a music channel and reliving the good part of last night by laughing at the videos and how stupid the songs are. I'm crying again, but this time with laughter, and the more I hear James' laugh the more I fall in love with it. It almost feels like my problems are totally gone, and while I'm not there yet, it's only a matter of time.


So tris dealt with his problem and they're both happy 😊 I'm glad. Please vote and comment!

Also can I have good vibes for Thursday? I'm getting my a level results and I'm almost certainly doomed 🙄 Oh dear.

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