Chapter 21- Tristan's POV

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I've heard of bring your child to work day, and even being your pet to work day, but bring your boyfriend is a new one for me. Nonetheless, James insisted it was a thing ('for today at least, please?'), so here I am. I wouldn't want him to see me at work, it's boring and I have too many stupid and rude people to deal with. But photography is interesting, so I'm here for it. It didn't take James much persuading to get me to go, so here we are.

We're on the bus to a small venue that I've actually been to, so at least we won't get lost. "So who are you actually photographing?" I ask.

James shrugs. "Some band. I looked them up and their music is terrible, but a job's a job and it's good experience."

"What kind of terrible?" I ask. "Maybe I'll like it, I have quite bad taste."

James laughs. "I know you do." I playfully punch him and he pulls a face at me before saying "Not even you would like it though, unless you're into reggae somehow mixed with rap."

"Ouch." I say. "Maybe not then. Though I guess they can't be that bad if they're doing a concert at an actual venue."

"Someone must like them." James agrees. "Just not me. Anyway, I need to take some pictures of them backstage and while they're performing, so we'll have to endure some of their shitty music." We get off the bus and head into the venue where we're greeted by the manager who introduces himself as Dan. He takes us backstage and I can immediately tell purely by the band's clothes that I'm not going to like their stuff. They seem like nice enough guys though, so I just sit quietly with some book that Brad nagged me to read whilst they get ready.

It's actually not a bad book, and I get absorbed in it quickly, to the extent that the couple of hours until the show starts go by very fast, maybe because I'm a slow reader. I'm still surprised though when James comes and tells me that we have to go and sit side stage. "I'll have to go down to the pit at some point, but you can stay here though." he explains. I have to smile- we had a discussion about this before where I'd expressed my dislike at standing during concerts, it makes me nervous. It was a while ago though, and it's nice that he remembered something so small.

James and me sit at  the side of the stage, drinking beer from the free bar and laughing about how bad the band are. "I'm in a shitty amateur band and I could do better than this." I say.

"I know right? James agrees, grabbing his camera and taking a couple of pictures of the band on stage. He then says "I should probably go down now. Wait here, I'll be back soon." He goes off, but I see him stop and talk to the guy running the bar, and I see him gesturing at me. Part of me feels slightly annoyed at this- I'm an adult and I don't need James supervising me. 

Once he's gone I decide to test my theory. I wait for 10 minutes or so before wandering over to the bar, and I'm proved correct when  the guy says "Um, your boyfriend told me that I shouldn't let you have another drink."

"Did he?" I say, pretending to be surprised. "Ok then." I go back to my seat and there I stay until James comes back.

"Sorry, I got trapped in the crowd and couldn't escape." I don't reply, so he sits down beside me and says "You ok?" I shrug, and don't really say anything until we're leaning and on the tube home.

I'm weirdly angry- James is actually right but I really dislike him taking control of my actions. Luckily the tube is pretty much empty since it's late, so there's no one around to hear me say "Why did you tell that guy that I couldn't have a drink?"

"I didn't say that." says James. "I was warning him, that's all."

"Why does he need wanting? I'm an adult, I can drink if I want to." I say, slightly defensively since I know James is right. 

"Because I care about you." he says.

"You aren't my mum." I snap. "You can't tell me what to do."

James sighs. "Fine, if you don't want help then I can't force you. But when you're drunk and crying don't blame me." That hurt, and my silence tells him that, and I can see that he knows. For the rest of the walk home we're silent, and I pretty much run up the stairs to my flat. I then slam the door behind me and grab a 2/3 full bottle of wine and collapse on the floor letting out a sob, just as my boyfriend rightly said I would. 


This was bad and I caused them sadness 😢 Oh well. The question is, did James do the right thing?

The band in this is based on no one in particular *disclaimer*

He's American (Trames au)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora