Chapter 11- James' POV

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It's taken a few weeks, but I think I've finally settled in here. I'm glad I stuck with it, even though there was a time when I desperately wanted to go home. I'm happy here now- I didn't want to give in and let myself down, and I'm proud of myself. I've made a few friends and I more or less know my way around, so I've got everything I need. A boyfriend might be nice at some point, as I don't want to be alone forever, but for now I'm happy enough. 

Weirdly, I've been way more worried about Tristan recently than I have about myself. I don't know him all that well in the grand scheme of things, but he's my friend now and he seems so unhappy and scared. I feel so bad for him, his boyfriend treats him really badly, so I get why he's sad. I just wish I could do something to help other than just keep him company, it's hard seeing your friends struggle like that.

Today I'm venturing a bit further out to get some more pictures for my portfolio. I'm looking forward to it, I like exploring new places. It may only be 20 minutes from where I live, but that's far enough for me to count it as an adventure. Maybe I'm just easily pleased though. As I walk down the stairs, I see Tristan stood in the doorway of the building. "Hey." I say breezily. "Where are you off to?"

He shrugs, but with a small smile. "Nowhere much, I just want some air. I see you're off to a photo shoot."

I laugh. "Not quite. I do need to take more pictures though."

"Enjoy that." he says. 

I smile and am about to leave, but before I do, I turn to him. "Do you want to come with me? We'll both be alone otherwise."

Tristan almost looks relieved, which I guess makes sense since he's told me before how lonely he feels. "Ok."

 We head out, and as we're walking down the street together, he tugs at his long sleeves. "Are you ok?" I ask.

He nods. "I'm a bit of a mess at the moment, but there's no change there really." He laughs, but I don't as I don't want to look rude. He notices my lack of response, and quickly says "Where are we going?"

"The park by the station that I can't remember the name of." I say. "I went past it on the bus and I thought it looked nice."

"The one next to the pub?" Tristan asks. "It is nice. I haven't been there for a while, but it's usually full of dogs." 

"Not a problem." I say. "I love dogs."

"If you were a dog what kind would you be?" he asks.

I smile. "I can't say that's something I've ever thought about."

"You would be a labrador, I think." Tristan muses. "You're friendly and everyone likes you. I don't know what I'd be. Maybe one of those ugly dogs that never get adopted."

I laugh, but it makes me kind of sad that he thinks so low of himself. I'm not going to argue with him though. We find the park fairly easily, and I instantly grab my camera. "That makes you look very tourist." Tristan comments. "In a nice way."

"I am a bit tourist." I agree. "I loved going on one of those red buses, it was awesome."

He smiles. "To complete the experience you need one of those fridge magnets from a tacky gift shop." 

As we're walking around the park, I find myself fascinated by watching all the people. They're physically quite like everyone I know from home, but the culture is so different. Everyone I've met has been really nice, and I love the accents, even though I'm the odd one out really. Just as I'm thinking, a woman approaches me just after Tristan has gone off to put something in the bin. "Excuse me, do you know the way to the bus station?"

"I don't, sorry." I apologise, hoping my accent will explain. "My friend will though. Tristan!"

He comes back and immediately knows what the woman is looking for. "Go out through that gate, cross the road and then it's next to the bookshop." 

She thanks us gratefully, and I have to smile. "You're all so polite. And I still love your accents here, they're so cute."

"You'll have to get used to it." Tristan replies. "We all talk like that here." I still love it though- it's new to me, so the novelty hasn't worn off. Plus, I guess Tristan would find it just as weird if he ever went to California. I point this out to him, and he says "I'd like to go sometime, it sounds so nice and chill. Just what I need."

I smile. "If you ever need tips on going there I'm your guy."

Tristan laughs. "A walking guidebook. I'll be sure to remind you of this."  I haven't actually Got many photos done today, but I've had a nice day and Tristan seems happier, so I think it's worked out. I think he needed the distraction, and I feel good that I helped him. I have all the time in the world to do everything else, so a day of just being happy is fine. I think I felt something shift between me and Tristan today, so it's fair to say we're properly friends now.


This was a bit dull but I still thought it was nice :) please vote and comment!

I'm seeing the boys next week so there won't be an update, and then I'm meeting them a few days after 🎉 I'm looking forward to it so much.

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