Chapter 7- James' POV

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I enjoyed hanging out with Tristan yesterday. We both needed company, and I think it's good that we got to know each other a bit better. I think a friendship is slowly starting to develop between us, and I'm glad as I haven't got many friends here yet. Back home I had a big gang of friends, and it's been hard to get used to spending so much time alone. But it's getting better, and having someone that I can consider a friend is making it much easier.

I'm also starting to feel less homesick. I'm almost properly settled in and I sort of know my way around, and that combined with the fact that I do at least know some people suggests that it's all going to work out. There was a time not so long ago when all I wanted was to go back home, but I'm glad I gave it a chance. It's the bravest thing I've ever done, and I'm super proud of myself for having the courage to just go for it, 'taking a leap of faith' as my friend Matt called it.

Even though I did get to know Tristan a little better last night, I think there's much more to him than meets the eye. I've never been good at reading people, but I get the impression that he's not that happy. He seemed kind of off the first time I ever spoke to him, though I guess I maybe caught him on a bad day. But he was still nice to me, so I'm not bothered by it. I wasn't hugely happy myself, though I'm not really one for public shows of emotion.

I've been out for a walk and to take more photos today, and while it's still cold, I can feel summer coming. I'm from California where it's sunny almost all the time, so it'll be nice to actually have good weather. I don't think I'll ever really get used to the rain though, and I'd like to see snow sometime. Tristan was appalled yesterday when I was showing him some photos of home, and when I was talking about the weather, I casually mentioned having never seen snow. "What do you mean you've never seen snow?"

"I've seen it on tv." I'd said. "It barely rains in California, why would I have ever seen snow?" It did make me laugh though. It's weird how different two countries can be, and I definitely haven't been in England long enough to really be able to comment. But I'm planning on staying for a year or so, maybe more, so I guess I'll find out.

I'm on my way back to my apartment, having had quite a relaxed day. That's a big advantage of being a photographer, I don't usually have deadlines to worry about, and I'm rarely forced to do stuff. I would be terrible at any job that involved having to deal with people, I find people exhausting. I'm happy with what I have now, and that's what's important. 

I head back towards my building just as the rain starts to fall. I like watching rain out the window, but I'm less keen on getting drenched by it. Luckily it doesn't take me long to get inside. I take my coat off and head up the stairs rather than taking the elevator, mostly because I can't be bothered to queue. I unlock my apartment and notice some post. Someone must have slipped it under my door as I usually have to go downstairs to get it. 

I unfold the paper to find a note reading 'You left your jacket here yesterday. Just thought I ought to let you know. Tristan :)' I have to laugh when I see he put a smiley face at the end. I don't remember leaving a jacket there, but then again I am quite forgetful. Seemingly I'm also unlucky, as I go up to Tristan's to get it, but get no response when I knock at the door. I know it was only one flight of stairs, but it was still unnecessary exercise.

I turn to go back downstairs when I hear someone shout "Just fuck off!" It startles me a bit, and worse it came from Tristan's apartment. I didn't think there was anyone there, but it wasn't him yelling, so it was obvious that there was something happening. I hope he's ok, but it's not really any of my business, and there's nothing I could do anyway. 

I let myself back in and take off my shoes, and I then hear a loud door slam upstairs. That definitely doesn't sound good, but I think getting involved would make things worse. It's awkward knowing but not being able to do anything, so to take my mind off it I go to make some coffee. But I can't stop hoping that my friend is ok.


Caring James is a trope I'm here for 😀 Please vote and comment if you liked this. Also sorry for lack of update last week 😢

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