Chapter 25 (epilogue)- James' POV

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I'm woken up by the sunlight streaming in through the window. It doesn't quite blind me but it does make me roll over and bury my face in Tristan's chest. He is, unsurprisingly, still asleep, after he and his friends played another show. They've come a long way in the 6 months or so since they played in that park. It was a Christmas themed show, but thankfully they didn't play any Christmas music- Tristan always says that his day job in retail makes it unbearable.

We fell into bed around 4am, and it's now 11am which is quite late for me to sleep. I don't really want to go back to sleep, so I get out of bed and go to make myself some juice. It's colder than I'm used to, so I pull on one of Tristan's hoodies before heading over to the window, and it's then that I see the snow. The whole street, cars and the pavement and the grass is all covered with pure white snow, and it's still falling.

My eyes widen- I shouldn't be so surprised, as it is December in a country that actually has cold winters, but I've never seen snow before except on tv. I immediately abandon the idea of getting a drink and run over to wake my boyfriend up. "Tristan!" I shake him slightly.

"What?" he asks, groggily. 

"It's snowing!" I almost squeal.

"Is it?" he says. "Cool." Then he realises and sits up. "Oh my god, you've never seen snow before have you?" I shake my head. He gets up and says "Right. Get dressed quick and we'll go out for breakfast while it's still falling." I nod, and run to get dressed. I put on a pair of grey jeans with a t shirt and a navy sweater (or jumper). I go to put on a sensible pair of shoes for the weather and get my camera, and Tristan appears wearing a similar outfit to me.

We put our coats on then head downstairs. "I've never worn this many layers at once." I say.

Tristan smiles. "You'll need to. Are you excited?"

I nod. "I almost woke you up squealing." We're stood in the doorway looking at the snow falling, and I put my hand out to touch it. "That's so weird." Tristan laughs at me before taking my hand and dragging me outside into the cold. The snow falls in my hair and melts almost as soon as it touches my skin, and while it should annoy me, it seems like the coolest thing ever. I never thought I'd ever see snow, and now I'm seeing it with my favourite person.

"It's better if you walk in it." Tristan says. "Come on, I'm hungry." I take his hand again and we walk down the street, feeling the crunch of the snow beneath our feet. 

"I must look so stupid." I say. "I'm just so excited, like it's literally Christmas come early. I've completed a life goal."

Tristan laughs. "We really don't get it that often, not in the city anyway." He stops and bends down, and before I know it a snowball hits me in the face. I pretend to be hurt, but quickly get him back.

We're walking near the park now, and I say "Can I take just one photo of you?" 

"Ok." Tristan says. "Don't take too long, fried breakfast is calling me." I take a couple of him and some of my surroundings- I don't know when I'll get this again. Tristan rolls his eyes when I walk back over to him. "That was more than just one photo."

I smile. "Sorry. It was too good an opportunity to waste. Lucky you love me."

"You are lucky." Tristan says as we go into the pub, which to my surprise also sells food. I won't ever be a big tea drinker, but Tristan still orders us a pot to share. Our food arrives quickly, and as we're eating (his fried breakfast and my omelette), we sit and watch the snow. "I love how fascinated you are." Tristan says.

"I know." I say. "It's just so weird to me, but in a good way. I can die happy now."

"You're not going home any time soon then?" Tristan asks. "You said you wouldn't leave until you'd seen snow, and now you have."

I shake my head. "Nope, my home is here now. Next time I go and visit you can come, it's only fair."

Tristan smiles. "I'd like that." We stay sitting by the window for a while- the snow is still falling, and it's nice and warm in here, as well as quiet. It's so different from how things used to be, and I'm happier than I ever thought I would be when I first came here. Tristan's happier too, and I'm glad that he smiles and laughs so much now. I'm still not 100% used to England, but it's my home now, and I'm getting there. A lot can change in a small amount  of time, and it's almost always for the better.


And so we reach the end of this story 😭 I'm going to miss it, I loved writing it. I haven't got any more ideas in mind at the moment, but knowing me I'll maybe come up with something. I'm starting uni this weekend though, so we'll see.

Thank you for reading this, much love xx

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